Nithroel Iarmaris

Queen Nithroel Lorenne Iarmaris (a.k.a. Dol'feredir ["Headhunter" in Elvish])

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nithroel is athletic and lean, and moves with a habitually predatory grace.

Apparel & Accessories

Nithroel wears an enchanted silk robe that keeps away the bog stink and humidity, leaving her constantly comfortable and clean (Robe of Prestidigitation)   She drinks from a magic chalice trinket that can hold several gallons in a planar pocket.   Her prized possession is her sword, Beregi. Wounds made by this sword do not heal naturally, and blood flows freely until it's forced to stop by medical or magical intervention, or death.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nithroel suffered terribly as her parents struggled daily with the Blood Frenzy. They had danced in the revelry of the Wild Hunt from 910 to 912, killing and indulging their peculiar appetites on battlefields all across the human lands. They had sunk deep into the disease, and had difficulty sleeping without the ample blood of war flowing across their fangs. The constant struggle with insanity left her parents short tempered and violent. The abuse she suffered was not creative, but it was nearly constant.   She suffered her first Blood Frenzy when she was only twenty five, barely a youth. She drained her childhood friend, Lorenne, dry and fled to live the life of an urchin for decades. She began to see herself as a predator among prey, and stalked the lanes and forests of Doroinir Nimloth as a serial killer. She developed a peculiar habit of collecting skulls, marking her territory with irregular stacks of them.   She found her true calling in 780 when she met Xendreg. The two hunted for only a few months before she realized that they could become gods in lands of humanoids, and she convinced Xendreg to go into the Endless Polder


Nithroel is married to Xendreg, but receives the majority of her gratification in the wars against lizardfolk tribes in the Endless Polder


Nithroel is relatively uneducated for an Elf, having lived homelessly for most of her life before Xendreg

Mental Trauma

Nithroel was raised with brutal and sometimes random punishment, with constant mortal terror of her parents forever on her mind. When she killed Lorenne, her first, and fled, all of that fear, hatred, and horror redirected at herself. Her only method for coping with the predator she was becoming was to embrace it.

Intellectual Characteristics

Nithroel is cunning but wouldn't be considered intelligent by most.

Morality & Philosophy

Nithroel is a nihilist, and lives in the moment. If she makes a plan at all, it's to receive instant gratification at the end of that plan.

Personality Characteristics


Nithroel is a violent psychopath barely capable of containing her blood lust enough to act as the high priestess and queen of the lizardfolk. She rarely makes plans, and seeks instant gratification more often than not.

Virtues & Personality perks

Humility - Though she sees herself as a predator, Nithroel is willing to acknowledge when she is outclassed and has few qualms about submitting to the will of Xendreg

Vices & Personality flaws

Sloth. Instant gratification is the whole of her mentality.


Nithroel always smells clean with a floral scent and a hint of ozone, a consequence of her robes.


Social Aptitude

Nithroel is manipulative, and can be charming in the short term so long as she can clearly identify the goal of the interaction.


Nithroel speaks little, and tries to get to the point as soon as possible.



Husband and King (Important)

Towards Nithroel Iarmaris



Nithroel Iarmaris

Wife and Queen (Vital)

Towards Xendreg



Wealth & Financial state

Wealth Score: 2d6+4
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen, Consort of the Lizard King
Year of Birth
715 Y 280 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Nithroel was born to two officers in the Doroinir army during a time of peace known as the Quiet Years. This time was difficult for obvious reasons for the Blood Elves
Xendreg (Husband and King)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish
Ruled Locations


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