
Edifices are permanent or semi-permanent structures that serve as constant reminders to the faithful of a settlement. They may inspire awe, fear, piety, quiet reflection, or existential dread depending on the particular faith and sect to which they are erected. Simply put, they serve as defenses against outside faiths chipping away at the flock. To build a new Edifice requires the listed cost in GP, a successful Int(religion) check DC 5+the bonus of the Edifice, and a Consecration spell to be cast once a day for a week on its completion. Using an existing design blueprint eliminates the religion check requirement.   1. Shrine   3. Statue   5. Circle   6. Monastery   8. Chapel   10. Church   15. Temple   Shrines - From Wayshrines to the tombs of martyrs, shrines are cheap and easy constructions. Many aren't even particularly recognizable as shrines outside of those in the know. Cults in particular favor shrines, as they are cheap to build, easy to replace and require no maintenance. A shrine typically uses local materials and costs roughly 1 SP, but is at high risk from being destroyed by zealots of other religions.   Statue - A statue or other art installation, by contrast to shrines, is designed to leave no doubt as to its purpose. Likenesses of martyrs, saints, angels, psions and gods as well as demigods and heroes tower over town squares or straddle doorways to important buildings. They may be any medium, and come in a wide variety of styles such as the stele and obelisks of the Entropians or the lifelike marble nude statues of Agasyl. Deminites in particular are fond of statues showing a high degree of skill by the sculptor, and often accompany such works with fonts of holy water available for public use. Statues require minimal maintenance, just one SP per month for cleaning and minor repairs. Creating a proper statue with the right divine geometries and compositions requires at least 1,200 GP in material costs, but master sculptors or woodcarvers rarely work for cheap.   Circle - A Circle is, simply put, an arrangement of large stones. These may simply be megalithic blocks, or they may be statues arranged in a complex depiction of some event of scripture or lore. There is usually a garden involved, often some earthworks, and the whole thing is typically arranged to follow celestial or seasonal events. Circles cost at least 5,000 GP, and 5 SP/month in maintenance. Additionally, they may add + or - 1 to The Wild score of an area, depending on the intent of their construction. Druidic animists in particular employ these for that purpose.   Monastery - A monastery is a living quarters for dedicated servants of the faith. Monks, palatine knights, and orphanages all count as monasteries. The cost of a monastery is 100 GP per cell, which can house two residents. Those living within take care of the maintenance so long as they are at least at 10% capacity. Monasteries are often attached to other buildings, such as a castle, church or temple. Monasteries are a requirement for monastic and palatine orders.   Chapel - A Chapel is a small room for gathering the faithful, employing sacraments and giving sermons. They are filled with symbolism, and they are dedicated only to that purpose. They are almost always attached to a larger structure, such as a castle or home. A proper chapel costs 300 GP, but requires 1 GP/month in maintenance.   Church - A Church is a medium sized standalone structure dedicated to holding meetings, sermons, and ceremonies of the faithful. From the church, priests can plan charities and large meetings can be held. A real church costs 25,000 GP to build, and requires 25 GP/month in upkeep and maintenance. It also requires at least two dedicated staff, which may or may not actually be part of the faith.   Temple - A temple is the center of worship for the region. This grand edifice may be mistaken for a castle or a citadel. Many are built to withstand sieges and natural disasters, places of refuge in war or danger. A faith with a temple in a settlement is well entrenched, and may mitigate damage to the settlement, earning the faith a Reputation boost. A temple costs 250,000 GP to build, and 300 GP/month in upkeep. In addition, it also requires at least a dozen dedicated staff which are almost always low ranking members of the faith.  


  Martyr's Tomb - A special kind of shrine is a martyr's tomb. A martyr is someone who was killed in the service of their faith. The presence of their tomb in a settlement, even a simple gravestone, will cause faithful to tell the story and pass on their memory. These tombs require no extra money to establish or maintain beyond regular funerary costs. A martyr thereby becomes sort of a permanent Edifice in the place in which they die.   Relics and Bones - One step up from a martyr is a saint - a martyr who displayed a connection with their deity through miracles and by living a life by the dictates of their faith. Saints may be buried in regular martyrs' tombs, but they may also be implanted in the foundations of other, grander Edifices. While the preferred method for the most important structures is to bury the whole of the bones, relics (pieces or memorabilia of the dead saint) are also options. Any Edifice containing a saint's bones has it's bonus multiplied by 1.5 for a relic, and by 2 for the whole of the bones.   Sacred Geometry - A particularly well made Edifice holds a connection to the divine. Such structures require an Int(Religion) roll of 5 more than noted and cost 10x the amount of construction and maintenance for stained glass and other, rarer materials. Such construction allows someone with sufficient connection to the building and the faith to which it is dedicated to cast spells from the Cleric Spell List. This is how a relatively mundane Hierophant may use the temple to resurrect a fallen adventurer, though they may insist on an audience in order to maximize the benefits to the faith. This requires an Edifice of Circle or higher.     Bottom Line   A faith's Edifice score provides protection from other faiths on a 1:1 basis. Each season, when faithful would be lost to other faiths' Proselytizers, the number lost to each faith or to low Reputation is reduced by the faith's Edifice score.


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