
Proselytizers are the permanent members of the community that teach about, perform apologetics for, and spread religions. If they are from outside the community and have no permanent home, they are either missionaries or itinerants. Though each religion may have different names for these titles, each would understand and respond to these terms.   1. Layman   2. Monk   3. Clerk   4. Priest   5. Hierophant   6. Cleric   Layman- A layman is a true and knowledgeable believer. They hold some sort of office or symbolic rank within a church, though little to no formal training. This is the most common rank of missionaries. Sometimes called deacons, elders, acolytes, readers, or a few dozen other titles depending on culture. All zealots count as laymen. Laymen are most often zealots and volunteers, and cost nothing.   Monk- A monk is a permanent resident of a religious building. They are generally expected to devote their time to the religion and are often the backbone of the labor force of a religion. They typically grow or process simple goods such as garden foods or alcoholic beverages and will proselytize while at market. Palatines count as monks for the purpose of proselytizing. Monks pay for themselves with their works and goods.   Clerk- A clerk is usually a priest in training, either being self taught or under the tutelage of a full blown priest. They perform various functions such as the copying of religious texts for wider distribution, keeping track of church money, and issuing and receiving correspondence from other settlements. Clerks require 1 SP/week, usually paid as a monthly salary (4 SP/ month)   Priest- A priest is a full-frocked member of the religion, and their job is devoted entirely to the care and maintenance of the flock. They convert when they can, they make meaningful decisions for the group, and they often represent the religion to the community at large. Priests require 5 SP/week, usually paid as a monthly salary (2 GP/ month)   Hierophant- A hierophant is a high ranking member of the church, such as a Deminite Bishop or a Scalykind Svitran. A settlement with a hierophant halves its Edifice costs. Hierophants require 1 GP/week, usually paid as a monthly salary (4 GP/ month)   Cleric- A cleric is a special kind of priest - one capable of miracles. These are rare in most religions, and are usually itinerants living lives of adventure. Their home towns almost always become hubs for their faith. See Reputation for the effects of divine spells cast by Clerics. For the Scalykind religion, dragons always count as Clerics. Clerics may receive a salary from the religious hierarchy but more often exist outside of it. The phenomenon of such a connection being so rare means that Clerics cannot easily be hired.  


  Missionaries - Missionaries have no permanent base in the area and come from outside. These outsiders are necessary to spread the faith, but their Proselytizer value is halved (rounded down) and if violence breaks out they are always among the dead.   Itinerant - When prominent proselytizers pass through an area, they may cause a ripple. This is most often the case with large processions that follow Hierophants, adventuring clerics, or pilgrims on their way to other holy sites.   Demigods - The only known Demigod currently on Kobos is the Archduchess of Prunyth, and her presence has ensured that Ulvyiv has little room for faiths outside of the Entropians.. It is likely that the permanent residence of a Demigod is an overwhelming power imbalance, causing their faith to take completely over.  

Bottom Line

  To get a Proselytizer (P) score for a settlement, simply add up all of these (1 for laymen, 5 for Hierophant, 9 for 3 priests, etc.) for each religion. This score is used to determine the share of the faithful this particular religion holds. Their salary is taken out monthly.


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