The Wild

The Wild is a measure of the balance between ecology, conservation and progress and exploitation. A wild, uncivilized place is dangerous and uninhabitable, whereas one would find large cities hard pressed to feed themselves without outside farmland as the ecological damage they inflict make growing food problematic.   Kobos is a magical world, and ecological disasters can go beyond the normal fallow fields and disease. An out-of-control wilderness breeds monsters and a closer connection to the Feywild and Dreamlands, as well as risking brief flare ups of flagrans, Hochriss and Gelrimes. Ecological damage can not just make growing crops difficult, but may actually open bosetors and cause spontaneous undead uprisings or magical mutation.
Sample Factor Sample Effect
Potion Factory in the area -2 to the Wild
Undead Uprising -5 to the Wild
Radiant Storm occurred this season +2 to the Wild
Raid, Armies in the field occurred this season -1 to the Wild per belligerent
Irrigation Canalworks +3 to the Wild
Wild Score Effects
-10 Ecological collapse; 40% chance each month of a bosetor, 5% chance of an Undead Uprising each month, 3% chance per month to create an area of taint in a random location. Wildlife is hostile and tainted, exhibiting mutations and disease; -5 to Wild for the next season.
-9 -15 to survival checks, 30% chance per season of a bosetor
-8 -10 to survival checks, 10% chance per season of a bosetor
-7 -5 to survival checks, 3% chance per season of a bosetor
-6 -2 to survival checks
-5 Disadvantage on survival checks
-4 Disadvantage on survival checks
-3 Disadvantage on survival checks
-2 Balance; No special effects
-1 Balance; No special effects
0 Balance; No special effects
1 Balance; No special effects
2 Balance; No special effects
3 Advantage on survival checks
4 Advantage on survival checks
5 Advantage on survival checks
6 +1 on survival checks,
7 +5 on survival checks, food and rations are half price
8 +1 on survival checks, 5% chance per month each of a forest fire (flagrans), Wind storm (hochriss), or flood (gelrima)
9 -5 on survival checks, -5 to Control, 10% chance per month each of a forest fire (flagrans), Wind storm (hochriss), or flood (gelrima)
10 A Wilding; -10 on survival checks, -10 to Control, 15% chance per month each of a forest fire (flagrans), Wind storm (hochriss), or flood (gelrima), 5% chance per season to create a random Wild Magic Area. Wildlife is hostile and in constant rut. +5 to Wild the next season.


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