Esoteric Order of Tenebrous Watchmen

"The Tenebrine are not to be trifled with. Bribed yes, mistrusted absolutely, but always taken seriously."   ~Seak Beardo Von Shmit, of Abide and Seak's Bizarre Bazaar


The Watch Captain has four Lieutenants who each have ten Tenebrine answerable to themselves.   They operate through a network of paid informants and extorted tipsters.


The Esoteric Order of Tenebrous Watchmen is a Secret Police force that succeeds by being too terrifying to openly oppose. Membership is anonymous, enforcement of decrees is brutal, and their response to any conspiracies against the queen is horrifying. They practice casual corruption buoyed by the lack of laws in Blythopoly

Public Agenda

The Watch sees to the enforcement of the Queen's decrees, and defends her from the somewhat regular conspiracies that would seek to overthrow her.


Influence 1d12   Wealth Die: 3d6   Footprint: 1d8   The Watch operates a network of portal lanes through which they can both spy and travel. The Captain observes the city and disturbances through this network at the barracks and maneuvers personnel to solve problems.

Tel'Guenhyvar Ken The Shadow Knows

Government, Secret Service
Alternative Names
The Watch, The Shadow Watch, The Darkwatch
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Esoteric Order of Tenebrous Watchmen


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