
"Sometimes a whole city gets lost, and can't find its way."   ~Abide Baht Mig, of Abide and Seak's Bizarre Bazaar   The twisted buildings and weird, winding streets of Blythopoly fly high above the blasted heaths and sucking morasses of the Shadowfell. By far the plane's largest settlement, it's inaccessible nature protects it from the horrors of the land. Towering above the other buildings at the heart of the city is the staggering structure of Castle Vuthakorna. Beneath it, in a massive hollowed out cyst in the floating island, lies the blood soaked sands of the Darkside Colosseum.


The Shard is mainly populated by Shadar-Kai, with a significant minority of Shades. There are also enclaves of Genasi and more exotic outsiders dotting throughout the city.


The undisputed autocrat of Blythopoly is the Aran, Medea Vuthakorna.


The Esoteric Order of Tenebrous Watchmen maintains a barracks and a small guard force to keep some semblance of order in the city. A device they call the Web acts as a force multiplier, allowing them to spread both their awareness and their presence across the settlement.    Most of the defense against outside invaders comes from the city's lofty position. The rest come from the formidable magical defenses of Castle Vuthakorna.

Industry & Trade

The main industry of Blythopoly is entertainment, luxury and escapism. The sucking emotional morass of the energies that make up the Shadowfell require those living within it to make a choice: live life chasing the strongest emotions or succumb to the gray apathy. As part of this frenetic activity, Devils, Hags, vampires, liches, and other such monstrosities openly prey upon the citizens; nowhere else can so many souls and more be harvested in exchange for a night's diversion or the novel sensation of eternal damnation.


Blythopoly has a sewage system designed by Medea Vuthakorna herself utilizing Gelrimes to pump in potable water for the city, and using Flagrans to dispose of the waste. A web of enchanted jewels harvested from Georima and Hochriss keep the city afloat, high above the dangerous terrain. Finally, a repurposed Bosetor lies at the heart of the city near the barracks. This allows for portals from the material realm to open nearby, as well as a more stable and predictable link with the ground beneath allowing for transfer of people and material from the surface to the city and vice versa.


The Shadow Market is the primary reason to visit Blythopoly; nearly anything that can be sought can be found there. An inn called the Harlequin's Pantaloon is a magical marvel. If it reaches capacity, visitors are sent potentially a month forward or backwards in time to a point where there is room for them. In addition to the normal, person-to-person excitements of the Shard, the Darkside Colosseum provide mass entertainments in the forms of races, tournaments, and gladiatorial games.

Guilds and Factions

Esoteric Order of Tenebrous Watchmen: 1d12/3d6/1d8   Shadow Market Merchant Society: 1d10/4d8/1d6   Hellfire Club: 1d8/3d6/1d10   Purity Society: 1d6/2d6/1d12


No books nor living beings speak of the beginnings of the Shard. As far as anyone can tell, it is as old as the marshes over which it sails, and a Vulkathorna has always presided over it.


Basalt and obsidian comprise the building materials of the city. Meticulous-yet-frantic carvings adorn every surface, most have many layers of multicolored paint, and over all of this brightly colored silks and tapestries have been hanged. The buildings often jut at odd angles, and the rules of support and buttress don't seem to fully apply.
Alternative Name(s)
The Shard, Black Isle, City of Ribbons
City, 1d20
Inhabitant Demonym
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