Darkside Colosseum

"If you're ever in the area, you need to see the Colosseum. They reenact battles, full contact bloodsports, occasional performative orgies, one on one duels between masters, jousts, cookoffs, cockfights... whatever you're into they may be performing that day. There isn't anything quite like it."   Seak Beardo Von Shmit, of Abide and Seak's Bizarre Bazaar

Purpose / Function

The Colosseum is designed to provide grand spectacle entertainment. The seats allow for tens of thousands to observe, albeit the 'nosebleed' seats may as well be watching an ant farm.


The Colosseum is carved out of the solid basalt core of the floating island on which Blythopoly sits. The pit is an oval filled with gray and black sand, a mile long and half a mile wide. The seats consist of concentric rings of benches that extend for hundreds of feet in all directions, raised so each seat has a clear line of sight. An enchantment allows for seats on the ceiling, more than doubling its capacity. The Queen's seat is a box entered directly from Castle Vuthakorna, suspended directly from the center, over the pit.
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