Put on the Hat and Robe

While some have mixed feelings about wizards, most people practice some sort of folk magic. Those that are especially talented in it fancy themselves hedge wizards or hedge witches, and may even be able to tap into some real power in some small way.   Those that wish to display this power dress in robes with brimmed, often pointed hats. The Golden Tower in particular is known for this style of dress, hearkening back to ancient traditions and long dead fashions, with the White Tower favoring more modern clothing to better blend in and the Brass Tower wearing a modified version that blends military dress uniforms with traditional wizardly garb. Those actively involved in the guild also wear the sigil of their tower in the form of a special signet ring.

Components and tools

Mage Gear - Most mages lack major access to spellcraft, knowing only a few rituals or potion recipes. Nonetheless, more powerful arcanists exist, and dressing like one can imply far more power or mystery than one might be entitled to: Pointed hat or chain coif, robes, staff, a few wands (possibly just sticks) all in premeditated colors (usually bright, often representing schools of magic)
Wizard Hat.jpg


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