Spellwork Tattoo

"What? These? Surely you're aware of the Goliath tradition of tattooing family history and personal deeds on our bodies. Trust me, any resemblance to magical theorem that my paltry skin art takes is purely coincidence."   ~Grandmaster Jeren, of the Golden Tower

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The ink of spellwork tattoos is infused with magical energy. When engraved in certain arcane patterns on the skin, they can be used much like a spell scroll.   When the magic of an arcane tattoo is spent, it becomes inert until it is treated with a Magic Ointment, one dose per level. When inert, the tattoo appears as any tattoo would. When "charged", they glow lightly in the colors which they are inked.   Each tattoo takes up one limb slot per level, and must be contiguous. The list of "limbs" is as follows; arms, legs, abdomen, 2 chest slots, 2 back slots, and head.
Item type
Used by
one limb per level.
Base Price
60 GP per level
Raw materials & Components
A number of recipes for the magic ink, but the cheapest and most common recipe use ectoplasm, charcoal, and berrythorn berries along with a small amount of a few other ingredients.
An alchemist or herbalism kit can be used to mix up the ink, but a silver needle and a steady hand is required to implant the tattoo.

Articles under Spellwork Tattoo


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