Trine Caulder

"Trine Caulder, Trine Caulder, One two three!   Trine Caulder, Trine Caulder, Don't take me!   One is green with lots of friends   One is blue the winter sends   One is black as midnight's end   Heaven gone and put to rest   Put a buggie in your chest   Put a cold shard 'neath your breast   Put your friends in full behest!   Trine Caulder, Trine Caulder, One two three! Trine Caulder, Trine Caulder, Don't take me!"   ~Maecodian Confederation children's rhyme.


There are three members of Trine Caulder; Granny Giggleface, Mee Maw Moonshine, Gam Gam Gertrude. Through a complex system of indenture, they command a surprisingly large network of human degenerates and inhuman allies or servants.


Ostensibly, the three sisters are equals. In reality, Granny Giggleface is unquestionably in charge.

Public Agenda

Trine Caulder exists solely for two reasons: advance the power of the three hags at its center, and to make life as miserable as possible for everyone else.


Wealth: 4d6+3   Influence: 1d12


The Trine Caulder is ancient. Only Granny Giggleface is from its original formation. The other two occupy spaces that have been filled dozens of times as heroes have slain the hags or Granny herself has decided to murder her sisters.
Religious, Coven
Subsidiary Organizations

Mortal Foes

Articles under Trine Caulder


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