Wealth Scores

Wealth dice are an abstract, meant to represent a character's wealth that works for itself. Caravans, NPC salaries, investments, businesses, guilds and nation-states are all represented by wealth dice. PCs can acquire wealth dice by owning property or investments that generate wealth, as mentioned above.   THIS DOES NOT REPLACE COIN TREASURE FOR PCs.   When a PC acquires property, it mainly runs itself (with potential input from the owner between adventures, of course.) Every season (3 months) the property's Wealth Dice can be rolled three times. This can be spread out, or it can be done three days in a row, so long as the limit is not exceeded in the season. This can be done for a number of reasons.   The easiest and most obvious reason to roll Wealth Dice is to generate cash. This is not the only thing that can be done with the property, however.   Depending on the property, underlings working on it or contractors brought in can be sent on errands such as; black market leads, obtaining invitations to Magic Item Auctions, bounty hunting/assassinations, gathering supplies, recruitment drives, or diplomatic embassies. Any errand that the PC deems beneath them can be handed off to a subordinate in this manner.   Finally, wealth die can be rolled to improve relations with an NPC. A tavern may throw them a shindig, a caravan may bring them gifts, thieves' guilds may take out their rivals, etc. If successful, the NPC will be wooed into improved relations.   To utilize the wealth score, the procedure is simple. First, decide what you are trying to accomplish. Then, roll your property's Wealth Dice and add the bonus/penalty from the local Economy Score. When you have your final number, consult the Wealth Roll Chart.. If you're raising money, roll the dice indicated. If you're rolling for Underling Actions, add the bonus indicated to their success percentage. If you're rolling to improve NPC relations, apply the bonus as a flat rate to your next diplomacy check against them. If successful, their improved attitude is permanent.   To increase wealth die, either do so through the Influence roll or increase your wealth via certain roll results as shown on the Wealth Roll Chart  Wealth die are decreased when: making more than three Wealth Rolls per season, certain roll results as shown on the Wealth Roll Chart, accruing -10 points of Wealth in a season on Influence rolls.

Articles under Wealth Scores


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