Whitewater Crossing

Military action

30/3 10:00
30/3 16:00

The first attempt to cross Whitewater River ends in disaster for Margrave Gims' advance force.

Bailiff Fuller leading the North Cambreath Balatar, Bailiff Wilde leading the South Cambreath Balatar (3366) vs. Filkef and Karif of the Gray Tide (Est. 6400)  

Water Zombie II.jpg
  Whitewater Crossing was the first attempt by Margrave Gims to get an advance force into position. Fuller and Wilde brought their ad-hoc balatars and began to cross Whitewater River at Rocky Ford and Clamrock Ford. They were met by the wight-lords Filkef and Karif, who attacked Fuller’s balatar from the riverbed surrounding Rocky Ford while they were halfway across. In the brief but desperate struggle, almost all of the 1645 souls were lost, torn to pieces and thrown into the river to drift down past the waist-deep crossing of Wilde and his men. The balatar did not go quietly, however, and slew an estimated 1300 of the undead with them.   Seeing the seething disturbance of the submerged dead, Wilde ordered his men out of the water, back the way they came to avoid being cut in half. Filkef’s mob climbed out of the bank, greeted by a hail of sling bullets. The barrage was not enough, however, and the shambling dead slammed into balatari shields with tireless hate. Tied down, Wilde was powerless to prevent a flanking action by Karif’s mob, and found his left flank encircled. Wilde ordered a rearguard and retreated back into Cambreath, while the volunteers bought precious time with their lives. While they killed another estimated 1300, Wilde had left 436 out of his 1721 balatari dead on the field.