Session 29: Menacing Murderous Mannequins

General Summary

As the group surfaces, they find the theater is in complete disarray, but no blood or evidence of the massacre that had occurred. As they speak with Old Chip, he tells them about the boiler explosion that killed many of the patrons. He also described the work and resources Lord Mirt is putting into its restoration and setting up a hospital for their care. Looking about the room, the broken angels were still scattered about and the pillars below Box Three were clearly damaged and a hazard to enter. Silas shares they are also part of the clean up crew and will need to return with their supplies later. After adding the paper with Silas’s name to the collection in his head, Old Chip leads them out the Prince’s Entrance, advising them to return here when they are ready.
Back out in the city, it is noon, and the party is attempting to head back to Hobb’s. As they walk, Sikander feels the need to be up high…to see Waterdeep in all her splendor, and promptly begins climbing The Warrior. A family of wood gnomes watches with the others, everyone is shocked to see a dwarf climbing so well.
Quickly, City Watch appears and Sikander directs them to Anya as the one who gave her permission, naming her with some influential title. The others, hoping to assist, slip away and change – Offa into Lord Pekkar and Silas into Lord Mirt himself. Silas manages to convince the City Watch he gave his permission for the antics (as Sikander gets a good grip the nipple and spins on it like a tassel, then lands on it) and turns to Anya, asking her to collect her brother quickly. While conversation continues, Sikander places a few coins into the statue’s mouth, and he senses the approval of the guardian. Anya flies up and the pair land on the top with their eagles. As they look out over the city, he shares his dream of having a statue of himself made one day, but protecting all the Sword Coast and inland, not just Waterdeep. Anya looks at him, saying, “I am proud of you Sikander. You are already doing the work, protecting all Faerun, without the statue.” Looking below, Sikander sees Lord Mirt, jumps onto Anya’s eagle, and sends it diving, despite her insistence that is Silas. While the eagle dives, Silas shifts into Lord Sunnymoon, speaks in gnomish to the family, and collects a “picture” of Sikander climbing the statue. As a thank you, he gives the family 100gp which allows them to see all the sights within the city. Hoping to connect with them later, he asks them to keep an eye out for a friend of his – a gnome called Silas. (Then learns the daughter would much rather see Lord Sunnymoon again).
Offa, meanwhile, as Lord Pekkar, gives a beggar a gold coin and believes he is conversing with either another follower or an incarnation of Dar Garlo, which unnerves him.
As everyone is reunited on the ground, they all head to the tavern, and find the door is cracked and inside is damaged. Hobb’s tells them all is fine, but that the vampires came there as well. He and the Sands are concerned that timelines are being messed with and then shows the group that the lesser Gnomish deity Lissander has been cracked in half. They all get drinks and settle into conversation with Hobb about their next steps and what he knows about the Grey Fortress. They want to locate Samyra, but Hobb tells them Stefan and Rayne are laying the groundwork to the east already, and if they are willing, would be best served going back into the theater and dealing with whatever is below. Eventually they all go to sleep, and after a good night’s rest, Anya and Tal are first to rise. Leaving a note on the bar, the pair go searching for a shrine to Sehanine. On the way they encounter a group of thugs, which Anya promptly dispatches, leaving one alive to spread the word not to harass women in the future. (He goes on to become Brother Shabubu, a monk in service to Selune). On the dead, she finds a black magical dagger, a find with a skull and snakes radiating out from it, and gold. Leaving the gold, she and Tal continue. Inside, they meet Gort, who agrees to pray with Anya as they are also deeply concerned with the silence from Sehanine.
As the others wake up, they find Anya missing, so Sikander goes shouting for Anya. A couple of beggars arrive, and explain what they saw Anya do, then hands Sikander a fresh jawbone. Unsure what to do with it, Sikander gives it to Offa, who happily accepts it, then gives the beggar a coin before continuing.
Coming to the temple, Sikander comes in ready for a confrontation, which Anya diffuses then frog marches him out, explaining her morning as she does. While the siblings head out, Offa feels drawn to a particular aspect of the moon – Shar. Heading to her space, he leaves the fresh jawbone as a gift from Dar Garlo, getting the sense the offering is accepted and he is in Shar's favor.
Back outside, they regroup and head to Nora’s Realm and purchase 7 potions of Greater Healing. Anya asks the medusa is she recognized the symbol on the ring she’d found and learned the group calls themselves the Medusa’s and are targeting Aurora (the shop keep). Anya, having her own history with men who have no respect for others, especially women, is quite happy to help decimate the group and agrees to bring back pieces of them and, if possible, their leader Muldane Puckart alive. Due to this alliance, Aurora agrees to a lesser price for a ring of feather fall Silas was interested in, as well as the promise of a reward for continuing to bring back about the end of the Medusa’s. (Offa is quite excited at the prospect of more random body parts).
Splitting up, Anya, Tal, and Sikander attempt to find the pixies so Anya can make amends while Silas and Offa return to the theater to keep watch. While waiting, Silas and Offa spot a strange dark figure climbing the wall and into the Prince’s Gate and they assume it is Lord Mirt.
Tal, after three tries, finally finds a stone statue of a large, proportioned woman that exudes a feeling fey. Calling out, a pixie called Peasblossom greets the trio. Anya has deeply wronged the pixies and the only way to make it right is to spend time in their shoes for a week. Sorely tempted but unsure how this would impact their mission, she promises to return when it is safer to do so.
Coming back together, they enter and head back down the stairs, with golden cherub heads turning to watch them as they walk. Below they find a dark room full of mannequins and a chest in the center. Focusing, Silas and Offa feel the Gloaming emanating from the right door with a familiar ring on it and a mannequin with its hand resting on the ring. Using his mage hand, Offa tickles the mannequin, which creepily comes to life. A fight breaks out as they attack the mannequins for good measure, and then watch as they change into boney monsters.


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