Hobb Chorzlepipp

Owner Hobb Gn'nagalin

Hobb is the owner of Hobb's Occasional Pub. He is positive and effusive, the sort of person you want serving you drinks. However, he keeps to himself. While customers tend to volunteer to him details about themselves, they are not successful prying information out of him. He is like a gnome treasure box: twee, comforting, impregnable and a bit dangerous if handled improperly.   Hobb does seem to have many contacts across the Planes, suggesting that he is widely travelled. He could be a Planeswalker, but he does not seem the sort to follow the stringent rules of the Guild.        
  •         Hobb is a member of (or at least is working with) the Sands of Obon, a powerful secret society whose mission is to "keep the universe BEING the universe."

    A merry Gnome who runs Hobb's Occasional Pub. He has brawny tattooed arms. He seems to have business outside of Reality.

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