Session 32: Yay We Won...Right? No?

General Summary

The party enters the room and finds the twin doll, a dark armored knight, and mannequins scattered around. The portal in the center of the room is a black void, emanating the sense of emptiness, apathy, and that maybe not existing isn’t so bad…
The fight breaks out and both sides fight to keep the upper hand. Offa throws the doll and Sikander throws the knight into the portal, only to have them come back out differently. The knight compels Sikander to fight him as he sends a hellish cone of fire at the entire party. The doll attempts to incapacitate Anya with laughter and casting blood puppet on her, to no avail.
Both Sikander and Silas are caught in the portals sapping power, but shake off the feeling before feeling compelled to jump in.
The Knight makes a comment to Sikander disparaging his ancestors, prompting Wibbles to begin vibrating in Sikander’s hand, nearly guiding his hand in the attacks. Silas and Featherfall join the fight and the two work together, destroying the knight. Offa brings down the doll, while Anya and Tal assist them all, taking out mannequins along the way.
Once the fight is over, Anya casts mold earth on the portal, seemingly destroying it. Instead, a screeching noise fills the room and wisps of black smoke rise from the hole, asking who they are and what manner what beings they are. After the group responds, they hear “You will not oppose us” as the Avatar of the God Eaters takes form. Anya challenges it, insisting the party will stop them. The avatar thanks her for volunteering their first god to go after, indicating her own goddess, Sehanine Moonbow. The smoke fades away and they are left to search the room, primarily finding a strange mask from the far west in Nejong, the origin spot of the Cherry Blossom.
Offa is intrigued by it and puts it on. As he does, his feathers and body begin to feel odd as his frame settles and shifts, becoming the likeness of a woman. He also feels a sense of purpose, lightness, and reason for living with the mask on. As he begins to speak, Nyjongo - language of the Cherry Blossoms – is what they hear instead of common. Wibbles is responding to the mask and is almost moving of its own volition. As Sikander converses with Wibbles, Anya grows certain the axe is speaking to Sikander, possibly as an entity she is familiar with.
Once they are certain everything has been recovered or destroyed as necessary, they begin the long trek back to Hobb’s, with their only hiccup being Anya getting served with paper to appear in court as Lord Mirt is holding her personally responsible for damages to his family from the theater.
Once inside, they fill Hobb in on what they found, including the destroyed portal, while further explanation, from Hobb, Anya, and Sikander, is given regarding who the Cherry Blossoms are, their goals, and why they are in Waterdeep. Hobb also explains that the mask is that of the Demigoddess, The Crow Maiden, who was known to manifest as a mask. This mask is a powerful magical item that connects the mortal and immortal, belonging to an extremely powerful monk who works for the Cherries. Hobb shares they are stationed in the Dragontooth Castle at the heart of the city Edo of the Nijong Empire, surrounded by majestic cliffs. It is to this place that Hobb is asking the group to go next, but first, he makes them an offer.
Pulling out a massive hourglass, Hobb explains they have earned the right to join the Sands of Oban. As members, they will have full access to their library, support, magical items, and weapons. There is nothing binding that would interfere with any other connections to deities and they are free to renounce their membership at any time.
Each of them agrees to join, and as they approach and hold out their hands a bit of sand falls into the hourglass. Anya’s sand falls as multicolored silver, black, and purple as it comes from her right hand. Silas’s falls a little darker, Offa’s a silver-gold. Sikander’s sand falls as it should (simple sand for a simple dwarf).
As their conversation continues, Anya shares with Hobb what the Avatar told her about Sehanine. He gives her a concerned look and takes her outside. Showing her the moon, she pales seeing a red glow along the edge. As she looks on, a small voice in the back of her mind whispers “Save me daughter”.
He attempts to reassure her, bringing her back in as he explains their mode of transportation to go west with a special, very fast, underground conveyance of gnomish and dwarvish make called a Far Rail. By going underground, they will be able to connect with Sands of Oban agents on the other side.
  Prupose: Hanyo mortal and immortal Hannoshiro


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Prupose: Hanyo mortal and immortal
Report Date
20 Dec 2023
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