Session Five: The Old Dwarf Way

General Summary

Midsummer, 1495
The airman brings the group before the Admiral and his nephew, the Commander "Percival". He vouches for all of them, commenting that he had killed more lords than they would believe. A discussion starts around the thefts in the warehouse, when the Admiral takes notice of Anya, calling her “m’dear” and offering his arm to lead her into his study so they could continue the conversation in comfort.
Coming into his sitting room, the party finds it rather stodgy, with taxidermied creatures on the walls, along with various awards all around the room. He offers them dwarven tea as Rayne brings the conversation back to how they can help each other, explaining about the missing archeological party. One of the men shares he spoke with the missing group before they left for the walking path, specifically with Eliandor, the wizard of the group. Rayne continues, commenting on their need for transportation, hoping they could offer assistance in exchange for passage on one of the skyships. Percival explains the thefts usually happen in the dead of night when the moon is out, along with a great noise, but his men never find anything. Various supplies have gone missing over the course of the last few months. When asked if anyone had been stationed inside, they learned yes, a man named Hans who most unfortunately had his hands sliced off when the portal closed.
Rayne continues, asking if any Spelljammers had come through and defends his reasons for "abandoning ship" was not from cowardice, but becoming involved with too many gods. Tiring of trying to convince the old man, Rayne suggests they go check out the warehouse and other ships along the docks. Before they go, the Admiral suggests they also check out The Defiant, and upon Anya's request for a token showing they had the Admiral's approval to enter spaces, he hands them a special medallion awarded to him in a long past and forgotten war. He is a bit too familiar with Anya for her comfort as he, Rayne, and Sikander discuss the dust trade, including the possibility of pirate docks bringing it in or carting it away. As they leave, he reaches for Anya's hand, giving it a wet, tobacco scented kiss, then comments that she seems dangerous and ready to put him in his place, just as his wife had been. Anya assured the Admiral he was correct, and not to press his luck with her.
Percival leads them out and points out the ferry at Nickel's Point, telling them Old Eliandor had insisted on the walking path (The Cloudwalk) to allow for time to see the landscape as the went south. Further down the docks, there are several small punts ferrying folks and goods to a large, black ship, alongside two smaller ones, a massive ship they recognize as The Defiant, and a large mammal leashed to the dock. All along the way, and throughout Cloudhook, the cats seem to glide when they jump. Up here, they watch as the cats soar about like sugar gliders before landing again. They also spot a disreputable dwarf by the tower, an old man near the edge on a canvas bag, a halfling that appears much taller and broader than any they had ever met (with three others around him). Looking about, Rayne magically locates spice and finds pings on his spell all around them - the dwarf, the warehouse, as well as the three ships docked (not the Defiant). Realizing there was dust everywhere, Rayne starts with motioning to the dwarf at the tower (prompting rude responses in return) and advises Percival of the dust locations, on the dwarf in particular. He notes the dwarf's name (Kando Tench) and walks on, as if to continue the tour, but Rayne stops him, not understanding why something wasn't immediately done. Pericaval starts to explain the Cartel and the rules around any investigation that must happen, and the conversation spirals to an argument and the questioning of Percival's honor. Angry and frustrated, he challenges Rayne to a duel at the old lighthouse at 5pm. Rayne resists the urge to attack him in the moment, and they watch as Percival walks off.
Himself frustrated and itching for a fight, Rayne heads for Kando and punches him and quickly realizes the dwarf is high as a kite, and not as affected by the punch. Anya notices and appears behind him, restoring him to his senses as Rayne grapples him. While dragging Tench toward the admiral, several of his cronies came at the group. Anya pulled out her flute and cast a wind wall between the two groups, slowing the attacks. Through the course of the fight, Rayne and Sikander grapple two of them, while Anya fired off painful warning shots. Sikander got stabbed with a poison dagger then scaled the tower nearby, and has a solo dance party, taking in the surrounding area as he does.
Rayne, using darkness, sends one fighter off the edge of the cliff and the other running in fear. After handing over Tench to the military police airmen, he also sends a group toward a shifted Anya as she tackled the remaining attacker in her dire wolf form. Realizing they were going to shoot her, she shifts back and allows them to escort the thug away. Coming back together, they start for the lighthouse for the duel and Rayne apologizes, explaining more of his struggle in walking away from Talos, accepting Selune, and the war within him to be and do good and how difficult that is while following the laws. They all offer words of reassurance, understanding, and encouragement, but Piper says it best, "Sometimes it's hard to be a good dog."
Arriving at the designated location, two uniformed men approach - Percival and a second lieutenant, Lt. Barenuts. Rayne attempts civil conversation to avoid the duel, but Percival is insistent (obnoxiously so in Anya's opinion), that honor must be satisfied. Sikander, Stefan, and Piper are content to watch, leaving Anya to step us as his second. The rules were simple: there was to be no magic and he who steps out of the circle forfeits the win and life. They would only use blades (Eclipse and the runes that softly glow and determined). The fight starts and both fighters appear evenly matched, with Rayne slowly edging ahead, but both starting to look hurt. Stefan, Sikander, and Piper cheer, while Anya, frustrated with the whole situation finally tries tripping up Percival by moving dirt magically. He falls, and they call foul on the duel, demanding to know who did it. Anya steps forward and berates them for the petty fight when there were bigger issues to deal with, especially Percival as someone responsible for the safety of the town. He scoffs at her, saying she has made a powerful enemy then tells Rayne the duel will need to be rescheduled. She looks at him, now fuming, and tells him "You are not my first enemy, and you are no where near the worst." The pair walk off while everyone else takes a short rest, except Sikander keeping watch, giving Rayne a breather before they head back to the warehouse in an attempt to locate the dust and the possible portal being used within.
Approaching, they find guards from the GASC and request to be allowed inside, per the request of the Admiral (while flashing the medallion). They are granted access, and file inside, when Piper immediately picks up on the scent of the dust in the far back of the room. Peering through a hole, Anya spots three slight men in dirty overalls, loading a cart pulled by a lizard-looking horse in front of a portal. Not wanting to wait for a proper opening, she apologizes to Sikander and steps through the hole, facing the group alone. Barely getting a comment out, one of the men runs with the cart through the portal, while the other two shift and change, revealing themselves as werebears. A fight breaks out, with Sikander and Wibbles destroying the wall, allowing everyone else to hop in.
The fight was paused after one werebear fell and the other remained, relatively unhurt, and the portal still open.

Rewards Granted

Medallion from the Admiral (grants access to a variety of places within the docks and credibility within Cloudhook)

Missions/Quests Completed

Partial: Dust was located within the warehouse and a portal found, but its destination and the werebears identity was still unknown.
*related to Immorel and his request for assistance?

Character(s) interacted with

The Admiral
The Commander "Percival"
Kando Tench


We have many places/people to look into still:
The sky ship "Queen Emeraldas"
The memorial of Molashion, also called Molashion's Leap
The Lighthouse
The Old Guy on the Canvas Bag (He qualifies as a landmark)
Sinew Digbit and his request for assistance
And that HUGE halfling on the dock.
The Cloudwalk.
A tour of the Defiant
Checking out the mammal tied to the dock
The God Eaters Campaign
Rayne Gellar
Anya Galanodel
Sikander Steelestone
Report Date
08 May 2023
Primary Location

Cover image: by Brittany Scott


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