Session Nine: The Ferry and the Ruins

General Summary

Reminder of our goal at the moment:
Rescue of Hueforth Anagalin (spelling?), son of the captain of The Black Marlin, along with the other members of the Candlekeep party. To that end, connect with the ferry master in order cross the chaos swells that separate the mesa from the path to the old Dreignor site.

4 Eleasis
The roc flies straight up and away from, them panicking in the darkness as Sikander runs and sends the ship diving, dangerously so. Anya manages to straighten the ship out (resisting the urge to vomit) and heading in the correct direction. Looking about, they see the Roc continuing to fly away from them, so Anya recalls the owls back to The Sky's Fear. Sikander, wanting to help, starts pressing all manner of buttons on the control panel, causing the engine core to be jettisoned out and off the ship. Rayne does what he can to steady the ship while Anya sends a couple owls to try and catch the core, with one of them exploding as it touches the core.
Rayne manages to create a magical disk that catches the core and brings it back to the engine block. The core falls off and starts burning the ship, so Anya puts the fire out with her druidic power while Sikander attempts to pick it up. It is too hot, so Stefan muscles it back in, severely burning his hands in the process. Seeing the core replaced, Anya gets the engine going again and manages to hang on as the engine kicks in again. Rayne fights with the ship's steering, but cannot straighten the ship out enough, so Sikander and Stefan run for the stern to use their bulk to angle the ship better. While the boys run to the back, Anya attempts to figure the sequence out again, resetting the controls and giving Rayne the access he needs.
As the ship angles north, both Sikander and Stefan are thrown off the back, prompting Anya to send three owls after them. Stefan accepts their assistance while Sikander, overjoyed that "Wizzlebeak" and "Floppyfeather" have come to their aid. She has the owls return the boys to the deck, finally allowing Anya to heal Stefan, who promptly high fives Sikander for their success. During the celebrations, Rayne brings the ship up and around the mesa, slowly circling as he looks for a place to land. He finally spots a dock is on the other side with a small series of huts, along with several strangely carved totems in the center. Just outside the huts is what appears to be a centaur watching them cautiously, obviously armed, along with a horde of cliffcats flying in formation keeping watch on the area.
Rayne brings The Sky's Fear down to the ground and Sikander immediately drops to the ground, introducing himself to Kir, attempting to be as outspoken as possible, but not impressing the Cervitaur and throwing Anya under the bus at the same time. Hearing him, Anya slides down the rope, and joins the conversation. Switching to Sylvan, Anya apologizes for her brother, learns Kir is from the same forest Anya grew up in, and had been to the Feywild as well. After a brief conversation between the pair, Kir advises Anya to have them anchor the ship and come meet with her to discuss the missing group they are searching for.
Returning to the ship, she makes fast and helps Rayne get the ship moored properly, then explains to the others that Kir has information to share with them. Coming up to her, in Common, they ask about repairs, and she shares it is just her in the abandoned village and has been for some time, so it would be her. Kir also shares a group of five had come through about two weeks ago, during the gibbous moon, consisting of old man (appeared to be the wizarding type - snobbish) but his coin was good, a tabaxi, two young half elves, and finally a human - easy on the eyes and excited, the type that was always happy. She took them across, but they did not return from the ancient Dreignor ruins, so she came back across the valley.
As she explains, she gestures out over the canyon, showing them the Chaos swells and explaining the belief that the old dwarves released it during their experiments, and the odd changes she has noticed in the last few months. She can get them across the valley by tomorrow for 1,000 gold, and if they do not leave today, Kir is unsure how long they will have to wait as the swell is growing in strength and would descend on the valley by the next day. She also agrees to wait for them to return, confirming their return trip is covered in that cost. At some point, she and Sikander get to talking about riding the swell, so she hopes into her log and shows them what she means. Riding the black, chaotic swell, they all watch as she finally returns. Sikander is excited and intrigued, wanting to throw caution to the wind and try riding the swells as well. Kir loves the idea and the bet is made - do what she did on your first try, and the cost will be cut in half. She warns, if he loses, he WILL be transformed beyond recognition and if a mistake is made, there is a high chance he will die instantly. The others are not on board with this deal as he and Kir touch foreheads and he kisses his Tymoran coin. Anya is visibly upset and briefly lost for words as Rayne suggests Sikander reconsider this brave and risky endeavor as his sister would be heartbroken if anything were to happen to him. Even Stefan voices his concern as permanent death was a high price. Finally Anya speaks up, reminding him that if he is dead, he cannot continue his search for A'flora and would be abandoning the rest of the Angelborne, all for the sake of something she didn't believe Tymora was truly asking of him.
Seeing Sikander's hesitation, Kir agrees to soften the wager and offers her garland, telling him is would prevent immediate death (even she isn't so foolish as to ride the chaos without protection) and would reduce the kind of transformation that could occur. Further conversation convinces Sikander to wait until their return and PERHAPS try to ride the swells then. Impressed by his courage, Kir agrees to lower the price to 750gp, which Anya and Rayne both readily accept.
As they board, a magical field is visible around the ship to protect them from the chaos. As the ship starts across, Kir warns them not to look too long, sharing about a party of heroes who had fought the goddess of chaos and pushed her back, but that part of her still remains in the storm - a part that shows each person their darkest, most desperate moments and making any who stare too long mad. Oh yes, and the teeth that appear and spiral down to a hungry core for any who should fall into the depths of the swells. Everyone ceases looking into the depths and does what they can through the rest of the day and into the next to help keep Kir with the ferry.
  5 Eleasis
Early the next morning, Kir brings them to a small area to dock and disembark, pointing to the path the other group had taken, but not returned on. Each of them lost in thought, the six hour journey down the mountain path was quiet until they came to a level, sandy valley across which they spotted a small camp. Sikander, who had grown steadily more stoic, focused, and edgy throughout the day, tells the others he is scouting ahead and does so (with Tal at his side), finding tattered tents, a sand covered fire pit, destroyed flag with the Candlekeep standard just visible, and empty backpacks - all clear indications this was the base camp and had been scavenged several times by various creatures. Signaling the others to come over, Sikander continues searching, finding a scrap of paper with the following written in Dwarvish:
  Lᛁᛊᛏᛖᚾ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚹᚺᛖᚾ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚷᛟᛞᛊ ᛒᚱᛖᚨᛏᚺ (Listen for when the gods breath)
Tᚺᛖᚾ cᛟᚢᚾᛏ yᛟᚢᚱ ᚠᛁᚾᚷᛖᚱᛊ (Then count your fingers)
Aᚾᛞ ᛏᚱᚨvᛖᛚ ᛏᚺᚱᛟᚢᚷᚺ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚷᛟᛞᛊ ᛚᛁᛈᛊ (And travel through the gods lips)
  As well as another note in spidery, wizard handwriting:
  Handing both notes over to the others, Sikander remains on high alert as he continues to scout the area with Tal at his side. Even with the full desert sun on them, the whole party feels the gloom hanging over the camp.
  We pause here before further exploration or conversation about the two slips of paper has happened.

Rewards Granted

A scrap of paper with the following written in Dwarvish:
(Listen for when the gods breath)
(Then count your fingers)
 (And travel through the gods lips)
  As well as another note in spidery, wizard handwriting:

Missions/Quests Completed

No missions completed
Progress made in locating the missing group

Character(s) interacted with

Kir the Ferryman


Anya is now proficient in making fast and working with the engine core after this trip
The God Eaters Campaign
Rayne Gellar
Anya Galanodel
Sikander Steelestone
Report Date
09 Jun 2023

Cover image: by Brittany Scott


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