Session Seven: Bipplebopple Darkmask IV

General Summary

1st Eleasis
As Sikander hovers tantalizingly above the muskie and Anya the anaconda tangled in her magical ropes, Stefan takes control of The Cod (previously known as The Sea God) and begins lowering after the dwarf. Adondidas also starts lowering The Persephone, hoping to be helpful in rescuing Sikander, but everyone realizes the ships are moving too slow. Anya shifts back and sends her blue glowing conjured giant owls to collect Sikander and harry the muskie. As they try to get a hold of him, Stefan lowers The Cod below him and shoots the muskie in the eye. The owls manage to drop the Sikander onto the deck of The Persephone then return to scaring away the group of muskie. After, Anya has them take up a rear guard until they fade away. 
Once Stefan and Adondidas tie the skyships together, Anya crosses over and reams Sikander for his antics (her fear, anger, concern, and frustration all boiling over). While she does, Stefan, Rayne, Piper, and Adondidas talk about Stefan taking over Relick's ship The Cod eventually renaming it. As Anya and Sikander rejoin the group, they all agree to continue on to the small village at the start of the Cloudwalk. They continue flying on into the next day, taking turns resting through the night, as their trip remains uneventful. During the trip, Adondidas tells them about another "Sikkie" that has recently moved here and would love to introduce Sikander to.
  2nd Eleasis
Late in the afternoon, the two ships come into sight of the small community with a few mud huts and small dock. As they come into the dock, a small, younger male gnome greets them as they come off The Persephone, introducing himself as Bipplebopple Darkmask IV. Sikander is immediately taken with the gnome, especially with his manners and proper introduction. They all notice he has the odd habit of measuring the height of some of them, starting with Anya. When asked about it, he explains about the disease known as "Tallees" and that Sikander is something known as the "Holy Height". Stefan is very concerned , while Anya and Rayne look on with looks of disbelief.
As that conversation goes on, Bipplebopple invites them to his home to rest and listen to some of Sikander's stories. While they walk along, a few other conversations take place: Adondidas leaves his cliffcat Molly with Anya as means of getting a message to him, Stefan asks about getting work done on The Cod and is pointed toward Kieto's shop, and Piper notices an odd lemongrass smell and seems uneasy. 
Stefan finds Kieto to be an old gnome and asks about repairs and improvements. Kieto tells him it will be 500gp and shows off some of his handiwork, commenting that the newer stuff creeps him out. Seeing the runes on the skulls and other misshapen bones (and needing gold), he comes back for Anya, who joins him along with Tal and Rayne (quickly tiring of Sikander and his stories), leaving Sikander and Piper with Bipplebopple. Arriving back at the shop, they attempt negotiations after discussing the extent of the improvements and showing off the artwork. Anya immediately recognizes one of them as the same creature as the one from her vision of the God Eaters, and offers to take those for a cheaper price to the repairs to the newly named The Sky's Fear. They also go over a map of the Cloudwalk, learning the walking path is magically protected, but is LONG - 6 days to the first island, 7 to the next, 3 days to cross that land mass, then another 3 days to finish crossing. The other choice would be to fly, but without the magical protection from the muskies and other monstrous creatures in the region. Once across, they can connect with Linene the Centaur who can ferry them the rest of the way. 
Meanwhile, back at Bipplebopple's, Piper can't help herself and starts chewing on a piece of the gnome's couch. While they are sitting and chatting (Sikander regaling them with one of his stories), Piper notices the lemongrass smell again and seemingly out of nowhere, lunges at Bipplebopple. He deflects most of the attack as he and Sikander watch her run out of the house and quickly disappear. Concerned, they follow, shouting for her to come back, but are quickly distracted by the skyship and they promptly get on board and start pushing buttons, sending them skyward uncontrollably. While they fly up, the others hear the engine roar to life and run out to see the ship rising quickly. Anya quickly conjures a giant eagle, tells Stefan to not let it take damage or it will explode, and sends the pair up after the wayward ship. She, Rayne, Tal, and Kieto watch as the eagle flies up carrying him in its claws.
As they send Stefan to help, Sikander and Bipplebopple find themselves plastered to the floor, neither of them able to stand to reach the button. Sikander shouts for the gnome to do something and he quickly casts an invisible hand and sends it to press the button again, stopping their ascent. The get to their feet unsteadily as they try to figure out how to get back down when they notice something flying their direction. They both prepare to attack as Stefan tries to land on the skyship, face plants, then rolls into a three point stance, shouting not to hurt him. Once they are all aboard, they look at the eagle and collectively decide to ram it, causing it to explode. Seeing the damage it has done, the trio immediately agrees not to tell Anya it was on purpose and work to come up with a believable story. (Anya and Rayne, watching fully believe it was on purpose). 
Once back on the ground, an irritated Anya deals with Kieto to get the ship repaired and the pair share they had originally gone looking for Piper, explaining what transpired in Bipplebopple's house. Worried, Anya, Stefan, and Tal work together and pick up a trail that takes them out to a huge field of waist high thatch that smells of lemongrass. As they enter the field, they are immediately attacked by green poisonous swarms of butterflies and a massive, acid spitting beetle. They all work together, with Stefan shifting and riding the massive beetle, Sikander getting in massive hits with "Wibbles" and taking acid damage, Tal transports Sikander allowing Bipplebopple to heal him, while Anya uncharacteristically swings her short sword "Heca". As the fight ends, Sikander hears a whisper from his great axe, "Well done. You must hold your weapon my son". He quietly retorts not to tell him what to do. Stefan goes over to the beetle and manages to rip the poison sac out and holds it up for the others to see, taunting Anya by pretending to squeeze it. He is finally convinced not to and hangs it from his belt while they all continue looking for Piper. While the others start looking, Sikander takes a moment to bury the butterflies before following after them. Eventually, they find her completely covered in the grass, so they dig her out, carry her until they are out of the lemongrass, where she finally feels well enough to walk.
They get back to the village and Kieto shares he should be able to get everything finished by the next day and they all head toward Bipplebopple's home as he'd offered to let them spend the night.

Rewards Granted

Stefan gets a poison sac (functions like a blow gun)
  • 1 shot of acid spit deals 5d12 acid damage and the target must make a DC13 Dex save to halve the damage
The party acquired several skulls and other bones with God Eater runes/symbols etched onto them

Missions/Quests Completed

No missions completed

Character(s) interacted with

Bipplebopple Darkmask IV
Molly the Cliffcat


Wibbles "spoke" to Sikander
The Cod is now named The Sky's Fear

Cover image: by Brittany Scott


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