Session Twelve: The Pirate King's Son

General Summary

4th Eleasis
Picking back up in the fight with Bomba, the grandpappy muskee, a whole lot happens from various points of view:
  • Stefan focuses on digging into the gills, using an owl to cause more damage as he does, crawling and digging further in and through the muskee to the other set of gills, trying to see Rayne and stabbing the gills with his stinger as he goes. He turns back and starts digging into what he assumes is the skull, eventually breaking through and becoming covered in gray matter.

  • Anya keeps The Sky's Fear close to the muskee while directing the owls to attack. She directs one of the owls to bring Sikander back to the ship. Near the end of the fight, she sends her Anchoring Rope to secure Sikander to the deck when the muskee dives away from the ship.

  • Sikander loops the rope onto the muskee then gets dragged off the ship. His rope snaps and as an owl grabs him, he shoots Tinkerbell (excitedly shouting about attack formations to "Wigglebeak"). After the net is deployed, he is intentional about securing it to the ship to ensure the massive fish doesn't escape. At the last bump, Sikander nearly flies off, but finds a spectral blue rope attaching him to the deck instead.

  • Rayne sends shatter at its skull then jumps off the ship, sliding until he manages to get Eclipse into the muskee's head. Caught in the net, he pulls Eclipse out and starts crawling further up the head while deploying his spiritual guardians and weapon;

  • Piper starts in the gunner seat, but runs for the nets with Tal helping. Once Sikander is back on the ship, he joins and they get the net deployed onto the muskee's face. She also tries shooting her crossbow at the muskee and slips, hitting Sikander instead.

  • The Bomba attempts hitting the ship a few times, missing for the most part as he does; once he is caught in the net, Bomba is unable to swallow the ship. He bumps the ship then dives, before abruptly stopping and floating in midair.

  •   Everyone except Stefan immediately see the great muskee is dead, so Anya sends a Message to Stefan and Rayne, telling them to climb back up to The Sky's Fear, and they watch as the dhampir comes out waving (after he ignored Anya's attempts to ensure he was safe and sound). They all get back to the deck, with Stefan taking the helm and Rayne giving directions to get back on track to Cloudhook. During the flight, fifty cliffcats are spotted flying by and digging into their prize. Anya sends the remaining owls to flyby and keep them at bay.
      Returning to Cloudhook, they pass the TMS Defiant with airmen on the deck and cheering, along with a throng of people are on the docks waiting, including Lady Shizash, Molly, Sinew Digbet, the large halfling, Emeril, Libby the orangutan barkeep, Percy and his uncle, the Admiral, among many others. Everyone is very impressed and an excitable Adondidas meets them as they dock. Stefan and Sikander are reveling in the attention, with Stefan telling Adondidas a tall tale version of their adventure. The dwarf looks to Anya, who gives a small smile and confirms that a good bit of the story is actually true, including the gem on his chest, his chipped fang, and that he took it down from the inside (though Anya adds he had all of their assistance).
      The hobbit comes forward and introduces himself as Blendil, the humble leader of the shipping GCSS. (Anya is not impressed and slightly on edge.) He suggests a statue be raised in honor of the heroes and offers to by the fish from them, unless they wished to deal with the fishmongers. As negotiations begin, a crusty old Seamen walks up, visibly upset and shouting about the destruction of a great tradition with their killing of the "Old Man", calling them sacrilegious bastards. He slowly makes his way to a bench further down the dock and takes up his post. Despite the interruption, Blendil continues negotiating with Rayne, settling on 20,000gp along with funding the storage of The Sky's Fear with Adondidas, as long as he gets a 15% cut of everything the ship brings in. They agree to the sale and split the gold evenly, while everyone slowly begins to disperse.
      Harlock finally comes off the ship and spots the Queen Emeraldas, and shares with the others that the pirate aboard would just as soon as accept us as kill us, and that she is second only to his father as an adventurer and a killer. It is surprise to see her, so bold and brazen in her decision to dock openly here. Harlock looks on, still clearly in shock, so Anya and Tal slowly direct him away from the festivities to Lady Shizash's intending to get him settled for the night. Seeing them depart, the Lady joins them, checking in with Anya as she does, reminding her that having a powerful temper can be a good thing, especially if establishes her as the leader, but to also remember how fragile the male ego can be. She also asks about Anya's interest in Rayne, which the elf politely informs the matchmaker she does not have romantic interest in him. Arriving to the hotel, Lady Shizash gets Harlock settled in while Anya and Tal head back out.
      As Anya, Tal, and Harlock leave, a massive street party breaks out on the docks, Rayne visibly relaxes and calls Stefan over to him, and after a couple tries manages to restore his broken fang with Mending. Feeling accomplished, having sold the fish, accounted for The Sky's Fear, and healing Stefan, Rayne returns to Lady Shizash's and runs into Anya heading back out. She assures him she is fine with Tal at her side while she walks. Not arguing, he heads to bed, but ends up accidentally coming across Harlock having a nightmare, saying, "I'm sorry my friend I didn't mean to lose you. I should have kept you close." Backing out, Rayne finds his own room and drops off into bed.
      Before Rayne comes over, Stefan is chatting with an artist planning out the statue. Once his fang is healed, the dhampir is ecstatic and smiling, pointing out to the teeth to everyone around him. He goes to show Sikander, but finds the dwarf has taken off. In his searching, Anastrianna approaches and they dance around the idea of "sleeping" together. She insists that he get cleaned up first (he is still covered in viscera and grey matter) and several sailors from The Defiant come over, convincing him to come shower and drink with them before finding Anastrianna. They sneak him aboard, get him supremely drunk, including downing Skumbl from a bottle with a skull and crossbones on it, causing him to projectile vomit for an hour and then the inability to keep a secret for 24 hours. Ready for his shower, he and another sailor, Billy, head off and have a good time doing so.
    .   Sikander quietly sneaks off to the quietest part of the dock heading back into Cloudhook, looking at the armor and reflecting on the last few days. Digging into his pack, he pulls out the Deck of the Airman out, flips the top card, and sees an old ship captain sitting on the dock with his pipe. He is lonely and in need of closure. The image reminds Sikander of the crusty old man and he start toward him. He doesn't get far as Sinew Digbet joins him, complimenting the job well done and continuing the heroes welcome they'd received. Sinew is enamored with Sikander's armor, amazed to see something Dreignor-made. Sikander shares he is still uneasy not knowing more about it, which Sinew jumps at, telling him more can be learned by heading to Molashion's Seat. Wanting answers, he joins Sinew and slowly starts away from everyone else out to the mesa.   Anya and Tal sneak back toward the shipping offices, as she is still uneasy with Blendil and doesn't trust him, certain he is part of the drug problem in town. On her way, Stefan spots her after bidding a comfortable goodbye to Billy. He starts shouting for her, which prompts the entire crowd to do the same. Realizing she cannot continue with everyone calling out to her, she head over to Stefan, who proudly shows her his healed tooth. Genuinely happy for him, she speaks with him a moment, realizes he is drunk, and with a pat of Lesser Restoration removes his drunkenness, but not the Skumbl influence. While they are chatting, she spots Sikander and Sinew heading out to the mesa. Distinctly uncomfortable with this, she and Tal head after him.   Sikander and Sinew continue walking, having an odd but uncomfortable conversation, with Sikander eventually noticing the entire crowd cheering for the Child. The further out they get, the pair starts discussing Molashion's shame. Additionally, Stefan now notices Sikander and starts shouting after him, "You don't know this but you hurt me." and "You took our friendship and wiped your tush with it". With all the shouting from the crowd and Stefan, Rayne is roused from his trance, groggy and confused.
    As the discussion shifts to the shame of Molashion, including the peace treaty signed with the ancient elves, Sikander comments he is well aware of it and certainly feels the weight of it coming from the ancestors. Sinew then apologizes to Sikander, stepping back as three armored, cultish warriors appeared, faces disfigured. Anya, Tal, and Stefan are not far and start running as fast as they can, while Rayne, now hearing the sounds of a fight, runs from Cloudhook proper out to them. Sikander is flanked, so Anya attempts to better situate him while Rayne and Stefan take on the solo warrior. When Sikander runs back into the fray, Wibbles whispers in his mind, "Well done descendent" and later "I am Shalmar".
      (At some point in the fight, midnight passes, bringing the date to 5th Eleasis)

    Rewards Granted

    A statue raised in the group's honor
    5,000gp each (less for the statue's cost from Stefan and Sikander) for the sale of the muskee

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Harlock is rescued and resting uneasily at Lady Shizash's

    Character(s) interacted with

    Lady Shizash - escorted Anya, Tal, and Harlock back to get Harlock settled for the night
    Sinew Digbet - lured Sikander away with promise of more information about the ancient dwarves
    Blendil - "Humble" leader of the shipping GCSS
    Various sailors from The Defiant - get Stefan supremely drunk on Skumbl.
    Anastriana - was waiting for Stefan to meet back up with her
    Billy - distracted Stefan with a fun private shower
    Adondidas - agrees to repair and store The Sky's Fear until they return, whenever that may be.
    Also saw/interacted with: Molly, Emeril, Libby the orangutan barkeep, Percy and his uncle, the Admiral


    Anya has 1/4 of her quiver left
    Stefan's fang is healed and he is sober EXCEPT for the Skumbl effect to be unable to keep a secret for 24 hours.
      At the pause of combat, everyone is engaged:
    Rayne and Stefan on one, with Sinew standing nearby
    Sikander flanked by two with Tal, mock owls, and Anya assisting
    The God Eaters Campaign
    Rayne Gellar
    Anya Galanodel
    Sikander Steelestone
    Stefan Blackstrike
    Chaotic Neutral Dhampir (Sailor)
    Barbarian 12
    173 / 173 HP
    Report Date
    27 Jun 2023
    Primary Location
    Related Plots


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