The God Eaters Chronicle

Herein lies the valiant history of those who took up arms against the God Eaters.

  • 1494

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    Lady Kormallis' Soiree

    Valik Undahill - connected to Cherry Blossoms, part of the Zhentarim (one of the many underground network Anya's protector before Sikander; thief, ambitious to join Mig - simple, demigod associated with poison, know him from the Hearthkeeper Tavern, moody

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    The Not-Blue Alley

    At the behest of Owner Hobb Gn'nagalin, the The Party searches the "Not-Blue Alley" for a Silver Unicorn ... and find a Pentacorn.   Anya Galanodel and Sikander Steelestone are joined by Stefan Blackstrike and Piper Boxermix.

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    Cloudhook Adventures

    The Party takes on Owner Hobb Gn'nagalin's second job, which is to find out what happened to an archeological expedition from Candlekeep in search of a Dreignor site. It was on this adventure that Silas Hitherhaven joined the party.

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    Death of Piper Boxermix
    Disaster / Destruction

    Facing down a Star Drake, Piper fell when she took the brunt of its breath weapon. Piper left a broken collar, inscribed with "Never Again!" and which contained an inscription: Dawlin, WD 13.