Chenzhou Achersaghëk, The Amethyst Lance

Holy Chenzhou Achersaghëk , Paladin of Chehnsu, The Amethyst Lance (a.k.a. The Lavender Vindicator)

Chenzhou is an Etheral Dragon who manifests in the amethyst type. He is well-known as a champion of justice and virtue.

Divine Domains

None, but he is frequently invoked as the patron of the Paladins of Acher.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Those devoted to Chenzhou often wear amethyst medallions that are cleverly cut into the shape of a dragon's head.

His divine sigil is a purple shield over a platinum billet, signifying his defense of Chehnsu.

Tenets of Faith

Chenzhou advocates for moral rectitude, the defense of justice, the protection of the vulnerable, and retribution for injustice.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Aside from his moral teachings, Chenzhou's primary goal is the protection of Divine Chehnsu and the promotion of the Platinum Paladin's plans and designs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chenzhou was born deep in the Ascendancy of Dragons. Who among mortals can say how many thousands of years old he is?

He began the process of apotheosis around four thousand years ago, and some among the Rego already worship him as a familial patron.

He served in Divine Chehnsu's personal bodyguard during the Fall of Dragons, and it was he who covered the Platinum Paladin's retreat.

Divine Classification
Younger God (Demigod)
Current Location
Brilliant orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purple scales that appear made from amethyst crystal


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