The Paladins of Acher

In Rego society, there is no order of warriors that are more highly esteemed than those dedicated to Chenzhou. These are the Paladins of Acher. There are four sects within the order: the Paladins of Faith, the Paladins of Justice, the Paladins of Protection, and the Paladins of Retribution.

Paladins of Faith

These warriors serve as priests-militant, spreading the word not of Chenzhou their patron, but instead of his master - Divine Chehnsu, The Platinum Paladin. They are the most numerous sect of the Paladins of Acher, making up over half of the membership of the order on their own. Though they are fearsome warriors, their primary role is ministry to and defense of the people.

Paladins of Protection

About a third of the Paladins of Acher belong to this sect. They are very visible, defending the walls of most settlements of any significance, as well as the vaunted tin mines. They are known to be disgruntled at their people's calm acceptance of Calpian hegemony, though they will take no action against their new overlords without orders from the High Paladin.

Paladins of Justice

Perhaps one in ten Paladins of Acher belong to this sect. They travel the lands, serving as judges and adjudicators in matters petty and consequential. Their judgements are considered wise and true, and rarely is there outcry about one of their rulings. When they must do so, they also serve as executioners.

Paladins of Retribution

The smallest sect of the order is the Paladins of Retribution. When an egregious act of great evil is done and the perpetrator escapes, sometimes a Paladin of Justice will ask a Paladin of Retribution to hunt down the perpetrator and do justice upon their body. In this way, they are holy bounty hunters, but they are not expected to bring their quarry back alive.


The Paladins of Acher are all members of the vast and extended Acher family. Though not all family members must join the order, only they can do so. The Acher family (really, it's so large that it is more of a clan) takes their devotion to the Amethyst Lance very seriously. When a family member declines membership in the order, they are not disowned, but they are considered slightly wayward.

Faith, Protection, Justice, and Retribution, the Four Pillars of Chenzhou's Castle


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