The Death and Reconciliation of the Paladin DeAth Molee Acher

Life, Death

25/1 18:00

While the Book Club was escaping Hënso's encampment, DeAth tried to escape in flight but was chased by a wyvern. In combat with the bestial dragon, the mighty Paladin was slain. The Amethyst Lance, Chenzhou, sent his avatar to protect DeAth's fallen and broken body, breaking the spirit of the wyverns and the members of the Glorious Dragonarmy. The demigod then transformed the body of the fallen Paladin into a statue of pure amethyst and carried DeAth's body and companions back to the secret base of the Paladins of Acher, where DeAth was interned with great honor.

Related Location
Tiseiar Mountains
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