
The Dagfi are an ancient human people who date back at least as far as the Fall of Dragons. The other human peoples of northeastern Tunsaccia are offshoots of this ancient civilization. The Dagfi are notoriously insular and racist, among other unsavory traits.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names end in -khang, -ang, -ji, ez, or -i.

Masculine names

Masculine names end in -bøgh, -øg, -o, -ys, or -ghys.

Family names

Dagfian family names are matrilineal.


Major language groups and dialects


Shared customary codes and values


The Dagfi venerate the following gods (Dagfian names in parentheses where it differs):

  • Storms: Kearsped (Kjaarsped)
  • Secret Things: Plunmy
  • Brotherhood: Proim
  • Pride and War: Kigrasised (Kigraasised)
  • Seasons and the Annual Cycle: Seled (Sawt)
  • Death: Rigilists (Rigaale)
  • The Afterlife: Urchedavran (Urkhidaavran)
  • Fertility: Fermed (Fymd)

Cultural Mores

The Centrality of the Family and Its Reputation

The Dagfians believe strongly in the nuclear family as the central unit of society. The (perceived) quality of a family is based on the uprightness of the least moral of its members. As such, immoral conduct is quashed by the matriarchal head of the family (called a pre). When the conduct cannot be suppressed or hidden, it is common for a pre to disinherit the offending family member in a ritual called the nriuz. An individual who has been the subject of a nriuz is branded on their face with a rune indicating their status. They are considered less than human by other Dagfians.

The Code of Dagfieh

Dagfians are expected to adhere to the following code.

  • Heirarchy of Loyalty: An individual must be loyal to the Code of Dagfieh, next to their family, then to their community, after that to the Dagfi people, then to other humans, and to other sentient creatures last.
  • Family is Paramount:

    An individual is expected to see to the propagation and advancement of the family line. Those individuals who are sterile or otherwise unable to produce offspring are expected to see to the advancement of their brothers', sisters', and/or cousins' children.

    Sterility is a source of great shame. So are other attitudes and conditions that prevent one from producing offspring. Though neither is considered a sufficient reason for a nriuz, there is a heightened expectation upon these individuals to act within the Code.

  • Dagfian Purity: Marrying or mating outside the Dagfian culture is anathema.
  • Murder: It is forbidden, even in self-defense, to kill another Dagfian. It is forbidden with exceptions for self-defense, to kill other humans. The life or death of non-humans is not a matter considered under the code.
  • Violence: Violence is only permitted against non-Dagfians.
  • Theft: Theft of property from another Dagfian is unacceptable under any circumstances. A non-Dagfian is expected so prove they did not show negligence or otherwise incite a Dagfian to steal their goods before pursuing a claim of theft.
  • Exchange of Ideas: Philosophical or technological sharing with other cultures is forbidden. Such interchange is seen as surrendering the advantages and uniqueness of the Dagfian people.

Common Dress code

Dagfians dress warmly in woolen clothing. All genders wear leggings and tunics, often with fur matles, capes, cloaks, leg wraps, etc., as needed for warmth.

Art & Architecture

The Dagfi build extensively in clay brick and in stone. Roofs are steeply pitched and are either made from clay shingles (typically in urban settings) or thick sod over a tight wooden frame (more often found in rural environments). Homes are typically two stories. There is a central chamber with a vaulted ceiling that reaches the roof, spanning both stories, and it features a long fire pit. This is the primary living area of the dwelling. Arrayed around this chamber on the ground floor are kitchens, offices, storage areas, etc. On the second floor, there is an interior facing balcony running around the perimeter of the central chamber. The sleeping areas, bath, and privy are arrayed around this central area.

Foods & Cuisine

Dagfians eat a diet of tubers, cold-weather grains, berries, and poultry. On feast days, the wealthier members of society will eat fox, badger, wolf, mutton, and beef. Venison is never eaten, though the reasons why are unclear. Reptiles are never eaten because of their kinship to dragons, whom the Dagfians hate above all other creatures.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Dagfians raise stone cairns over the bodies of their dead. Most settlements have a vast field of cairns outside of them.

Diverged ethnicities
Related Organizations
Languages spoken
Related Locations


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