The Mnyd are an offshoot of the Dagfi. They've generally abandoned the superiority and xenophobia of their forebearers.
Naming Traditions
Feminine names
There are many names among the Mnyd, but common female exemplars are Emvĭn, Pnawtfo, Nrugtos, Njeh, Tvaang, Tkhif, and Knawv.
Masculine names
There are many names among the Mnyd, but common male exemplars are Dafzirjar, Mjaw, Nluck, Ksoip, Iutne, Pob, Pring, and Kjoif.
Family names
Family names exist, but they aren't common. Most people get by with just their given names. When differentiation is necessary, a descriptor ("the fisherman," "the elder's son," etc.) is appended.
Other names
As noted, sometimes a descriptive differentiator is appended the common name. If the holder of such a name has a degree of notoriety, that gets changed to a name ("the one who killed his sister" becomes "Sisterkiller," or someone who killed an eagle in flight might be called "Eaglesmiter," or "Eaglesbane."
Shared customary codes and values
The Mnyd strongly embrace hospitality of the stranger. This does not extend to immigrants and settlers, but visitors are welcomed and lavished with attention and care.
Beauty Ideals
The Mnyd value clean-shaven faces, and neatly trimmed hair and facial hair. Body hair is often plucked by both males and females, but not always.