Înogh Settlement in Kornax | World Anvil


Înogh is the second largest city in Ædthænny Ceymreyth, and to those who are not lysælfen, the better known of the primary cities of the realm, as it lies further south. It is always ruled by a member of the royal family.


Înogh has no local government. Instead, it is always ruled by a member of the royal family in the Ceym's name. Usually this is a Ceymbvôth. Currently, it is ruled by Dæsum Ceymbvôth. Since he is very young by lysælfen standards, he is currently being advised by his predecessor and uncle, Nu Ceymbvôth.


Înogh is surrounded by a low wall, about fifteen feet in height. Despite its lack of height, it is serves as an excellent vantage for defenders. There is a gate in the north and another in the south, and both are well defended by stout gatehouses. The walls are surmounted by stone hoardings to protect defenders from attacks from above, especially fire.


Drainage and Sanitation

Înogh, like Jeysh, is sanitized by a cadre of workers with minor magical talent whose job is the daily cleaning of the city. Drainage is accomplished by means of open sewers that flow out of the city.


The streets in Înogh are paged with sturdy flagstones. They are fairly wide, about thirty feet, on average, but they wind this way and that, so that as much of the forest as possible can be preserved, while the city exists in the interstices.

Founding Date
806 AscD
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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