Jeysh Settlement in Kornax | World Anvil


Jeysh is the chief and oldest city in Ædthænny Ceymreyth. The city's founding in 921 AscD by Eyd̬ Ceim is also considered the founding of the realm at large.


Jeysh has no local government. It is ruled directly by the Ceym. The throne appoints civil servants to see to the routine functions of government, but they report back directly to the crown.


The city is defended by a high, thick, stone wall. On the north side, at the sea, there is a causeway leading up the cliff from the quay below to a strong gatehouse. On the south side, the primary gate of the city is narrow and defended by two strong towers that flank it. The wall surrounding the city features a covered stone hoarding to protect the defenders from flying attacks and projectiles.

Industry & Trade

The northwestern region of Ræjæmnu features extensive deposits of red-veined marble. The Dthænny carefully mine this beautiful stone and a small export industry has arisen from that activity, which is centered in Jeysh. The mining and export of the marble, however, are heavily regulated by the Ceym so that the mining operations do not overly impact the surrounding forest.

Beyond marble, the primary exports from Jeysh are handcrafted wood furniture, especially goods featuring painted panels.


Drainage and Sanitation

Jeysh relies on the streets to provide drainage. Eventually runoff and waste flow into the sea to the north of the city.

The city is very clean, nonetheless. This is because the Ceym employs a cadre of people with minor magical capability, whose vocation is the daily magical cleaning of the city. This high degree of cleanliness also makes Jeysh one of the healthier cities on Sagaas.


Jeysh is not laid out with transport in mind. The streets are paved with good flagstone, but they are narrow and they wind this way and that, to allow structures to avoid particularly important trees and other natural features. Nonetheless, only the most humble alleyways are unpaved.

Points of interest

Jeysh hosts the headquarters of the Songbirds, Priëtass' sanctioned church. The Nôbvym nûth nu Ny (Academy of the Lark), one of their bardic academies and the primary residence and temple of the Song of the Forest is located in the city, within an arcological park where the forest has been preserved, to the extent possible, around the academic and religious structures.

Founding Date
921 AscD
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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