
Khumrong is the capital city of Rowgowaa, the state of the Bowmrer celermans. It is extremely unusual for a celerman settlement, as they tend to only establish settlements of around 300 individuals, on average. Khumrong is a thousand times that size.


The government of Khumrong precedes from the Mwrong, the god-monarch of the Bowmrer people.


Khumrong is encircled by a symbolic wall. Much more important than the wall is the perpetual ward that envelops the city. Legend says that Asgorn, themself, fashioned this bubble around the city. Whatever its provenance, it has protected the city from dragons, giants, orcs, and many other foes. None who approach the city with hostile intent can come within three miles, and no attack has ever reached the city.

Industry & Trade

Khumrong is the center of trade between the western and eastern civilizations of Tunsaccia.


Khumrong is laid out in a hub-and-spoke model. The central hub is the Temple of the Lost Titan, a grand temple dedicated to the Sovereign Supreme, where worshippers daily pray for the titan's return. Also locted in the central hub is the Palace of the Annointed Ruler, the residence and seat of the Mwrong.

The last main feature of the city's hub is its famed bazaar, the Gogh Mwebowwow. In this fifty-acre faire-turned bazaar, anything and everything can be bought or sold. It is the oldest known market in Tunsaccia, predating the Fall of Dragons by at least a millennium.

From this central hub, twelve major thoroughfares extend outward through the city to the Way of the Wall, the street running just inside the city walls. Each of these thoroughfares is paved with granite, and each is at least fourty feet in width, with the widest, the street known as the Mwrong's Ascent, a whopping sixty-three feet wide.

Running between the twelve major thoroughfares, the secondary streets that connect the spokes are similarly paved, and roughly twenty feet in width.

The rest of the streets and alleys of the city are winding dirt tracks that go this way and that, in a haphazard fashion.

Founding Date
407 AscD
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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