Lake Stoacca Geographic Location in Kornax | World Anvil

Lake Stoacca

Despite its name, Lake Stoacca is no lake. It is actually a vast marsh on the Ettomep River. It teems with wildlife, which the Ebawecci humans hunt for food and other products.


Lake Stoacca is fed by the Ettomep River from the north, which flows through its length. From the west, it is fed by three small rivers: the Ruvu, the Baldim, and the Eccon. From the east, the Fupet and the Hex drain into it.

Where the Hex River flows into the marsh, there is a large area of peat bogs, which are economically important to Degetebwa. The region near Iccim, where the Fupet drains into the marsh is home to several varieties of waterfowl. The Awatcovum of Fupet devotes a small portion of their tax revenue to the Awatcovum of Stoacca in the form of leases to allow Fupetian waterfolk to hunt the geese, ducks, and meral living there.

The western side of Lake Stoacca is home to many varieties of fish, which the fisherfolk of Gantebwa gather in their nets for their own consumption and for pickling and shipping to Suisbium and Ritilium.

Wetland / Swamp
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