
Rozga is a large settlement of Rego dragonborn.


Calpian Hegemony

In 1402 LE, Rozga was annexed by the Calpian Empire through a proclamation by R̂oldavus Cupelus. The reason for the annexation was that Rozga and its territories were rich sources of tin, which is essential for the production of bronze.

The majority of the Rego responded to the Calpian annexation with indifference, although a small minority of them have formed various underground resistance movements. These groups achieved little beyond sporadically targeting Calpian soldiers or inciting isolated conflicts, and they lacked widespread support from the populace.

Rise of the Divinity of Rogiq

In the waning days of 1429 LE, a previously marginalized cult dedicated to Rogiq, apparently aided by the Scheming Maws, herself, seized power through some sort of collective mind control. The cultists and their mind slaves overwhelmed the Imperial Legion and drove the Utepavir out of the region. This rebellion effectively cut off the Calpian Empire's primary source of tin, threatening bronze production. The fledgling state created by this rebellion was called the Divinity of Rogiq.

In late Shraksik of 1430 LE, the High Paladin Chamsud dispatched the Paladin DeAth Molee Acher to seek out and destroy Hënso, the commander of the Rogiqan forces hunting the Paladins. DeAth and his companions were successful, though DeAth fell in the battle. His raid and sacrifice allowed the Paladins of Acher to mount a more effective guerilla defense of the region around Rozga.

After securing independence from the Empire, Rogiq sent an army north to Bekt to capture the stronghold, further choking the extraction of tin.

Founding Date
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Owning Organization


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