Rogiq, the Scheming Maws Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Rogiq, the Scheming Maws

Other Names

  • The Grasper
  • Degïq (Rënzhëksirn kobolds)

Divine Domains

Death, Knowledge, Trickery, Twilight

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rogiq's Material form is that of a massive, winged, four-legged dragon with many heads. The color of the dragon changes, depending on Rogiq's whim of the moment.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Appointed by the Sovereign Supreme to oversee the Gathering of Power and Wealth in the Ascendancy of Dragons. Throughout the Ascendancy, she sought to advance herself and her draconic descendants ahead of her siblings and their descendants. She was blocked at every turn by her sire, Asgorn, who knew her nature and thwarted her ambitions. Over the millennia, as her frustration grew, so did her resentment of Asgorn, Hanzhou, Efrang and Chehnsu. Deep in her blackened heart, bitterness transformed to hatred, then to loathing.

She went to Banggu in Infernia and sought common cause with him, but he declined. When she asked if there was aught she could offer him for his aid against Asgorn, the wily King of Infernia struck. He asked to mate with her, and for her to produce three eggs that she would give him. Confused, she asked what she would receive in turn, to which Banguu responded that he would lend her one of his infernal legions, along with its commander, Mroz. Since she was not of Infernia, she could summon them to any place of her choosing in the Spheres, if she possessed their true name.

Though she sensed deception, she agreed and she mated with Banggu, producing three eggs which she gave him in return for Mroz' true name. She used it to summon him and he summoned his legion. Banggu's purpose with the clutch of three eggs remains a mystery, for he has taken them and hidden them. He has disclosed to none his purpose in the matter.

Mroz and Rogiq fell upon the Material Plane known as Amastra with the full force of the infernal legion. They came to the ancient fortress of Amastra and battle with Asgorn and his host was joined. The battle raged for a century, until the Sovereign Supreme personally committed themself to the fray. Rogiq leaped at her sire, hoping to strike them down, but her clutch-mate, Efrang interposed herself, striking Rogiq. The siblings battled one another for three mortal days until Rogiq at last bit deep into Efrangs neck, who fell, slain by her sister.

Rogiq then advanced on Hanzhou and Asgorn. Hanzhou struck first, but Rogiq dodge his assault, delivering her counterattack, which landed on the crown of his head, slaying him instantly.

Finally, Rogiq and Mroz combined their might, falling on the Sovereign Supreme together. Both armies fell back at the ferocity of the battle. Asgorn's power was great, but even the mighty Eldest Titan could be worn down by a sustained combined assault. At last, Mroz thrus his sword deep into Asgorn's chest at the exact moment that Rogiq swiped her swordlike claws across the Sovereign Supreme's neck. In a blinding flash of light, Asgorn's physical form exploded, throwing Mroz and Rogiq back.

A brilliant light shone where Asgorn had stood, and a voice spoke to Rogiq from within it, but not save she and Mroz heard its words, then the light dissipated and was gone.

Mroz and Rogiq pressed their advantage, slaying many dragons that day, though Divine Chehnsu led a remnant away to Ultima to dwell with him there.

Following her apparent victory, she tried to rule jointly with Chehnsu, but the Platinum Paladin opposed her efforts. After several centuries, she dismissed Mroz and retreated to Demonia to regroup, where she remains still.


Rogiq, the Scheming Maws


Towards Chehnsu, the Platinum Paladin


Chehnsu, the Platinum Paladin


Towards Rogiq, the Scheming Maws


Efrang, the Clear and Knowing Crystal


Towards Rogiq, the Scheming Maws


Rogiq, the Scheming Maws


Towards Efrang, the Clear and Knowing Crystal


Hanzhou, the Ethereal Prime Minister


Towards Rogiq, the Scheming Maws


Rogiq, the Scheming Maws


Towards Hanzhou, the Ethereal Prime Minister




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