The Mist

The Mist is a secret organization in Saercumar that, if spoken about at all, is only whispered of. Little is known about them save that they are ruthless and powerful, and that they engage in the affairs of the underworld in a way that is more systematized than the activities of common thugs, cutpurses, and murderers.

They are a recent arrival on the Saercumar scene, arriving no more than a decade past, but they have grown in power rapidly. They are almost certainly behind the black market that sells Dragondust, as well as other illicit goods.


The Mist is divided into six cells, each headed by a true vampire. Each of these true vampires has several vampire spawn lieutenants.Beneath these vampires and their lieutenants, there are the Masters - normal mortals of exceptional skill and cunning as thieves. A number of crew leaders report to each Master, and a crew consists of between four and twelve individuals, with the average being about five individuals.

The crew members and their leaders know nothing of the vampires, but the Masters know and fear them.

Public Agenda

Publicly, if such a word can be used to describe the Mist, the organization seeks to enrich itself at the expense of the local populace. They extend their operations beyond Saercumar, but only in order to support urban operations there.

Formless and From Shadow


  • Taccege Map
Founding Date
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
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