Twegif Gap Geographic Location in Kornax | World Anvil

Twegif Gap (/'tʋəgɪf/)

The Twugif Gap is a pass through the Droughtasij Hills. Though still hilly and rocky, the elevations are lower and the terrain is not quite as rugged. The region is characterized by numerous artesian springs.


Where the Drouchtasij Hills rise to elevations between two and three thousand feet, the average elevation of the Twegif Gap is around nine hundred feet. Hills in the Gap have a prominance of only two or three hundred feet from the ranges below them.

The ground is rocky, but there is arable soil and plentiful grass for grazing, all of which is irrigated by mineral-rich artesian springs that dot the area. Though hardly a paradise, combared to the barren and rugged hills surrounding the Gap, the region is relatively livable.

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