Ertir Settlement in Kornax | World Anvil


Ertir is a large rock gnome city and the capital of the Kingdom of Zewakt. It lies nestled in the Twegif Gap, a pass that allows passage through the Drouchtasij Hills. At the point in the Gap where the city sits, several artesian springs flow out of the bedrock, rpoviding water to the populace.


The population of the city is about eighty-five percent Wakt gnomish, with kobold (12%) and bugbear (3%) minorities.


The city, itself, is governed by the Zwanzij (Lord Mayor), who is appointed by the Le for that purpose. The Zwanzij is responsible for the administration of civil government and oversight of the local bureaucracy. Additional to those official duties, in many cases, the Zwanzij also serves as an unofficial advisor to the Le.


The inner regions of the city are surrounded by a thick stone wall about twenty-five feet in height. Machicolations at the top hang out over the base of the walls on both the the inside and outside, allowing defenders to drop oil and the like on attackers from above. Like many cities built during or in response to the Dragonwars, the wall is surmounted by flame resistant shelters to protect defenders from attacks from above.



The primary streets of Ertir, of which there are two, both run east/west and are carefully paved with flagstone and broad (around thirty feet). Secondary streets connect these two thoroughfares at various points, and they are around twenty feet wide and similarly paved, as well as generally being fairly straight. Tertiary streets, upon which most homes lie, are narrow (ten to twelve feet, on average) and roughly paved with cobblesone. These byways are often twisting affairs with little apparent rhyme or reason. They are often connected by narrow dirt or bedrock alleyways that are as little as three feet across.


Ertir features a well-developed subterranean sewer system that runs under and mirrors the layout of the primary and secondary roads. A system of pressurized water pipes, fed by the artesian springs, serves to periodically flush the sewers, keeping them clean and clear.

Founding Date
683 LE
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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