Ucbea of Saercumar Organization in Kornax | World Anvil

Ucbea of Saercumar


A City of Merchants

Saercumar is a city of trade, no more or less. The city began as a means to move goods, and that purpose and the infrastructure to support it has more than scaled as the settlement has rapidly grown from a trading post to an emergent metropolis. Coin flows from hand to hand and the Ucbea wholeheartedly encourages this. Each and every trade carries a tax, but on a tranactional basis, those taxes are very low, making the benefits to merchants outweigh the costs.

Trade barges move through the Docks District daily. Trade caravans pass through the city on the Imperial Highway from faraway locales, often stopping to trade at the under the auspices and regulation of House Pela Drinum

Public Agenda

The Ucbea's public agenda matches its private one - to advance the cause of trade and commerce in order to become wealthy.


In 1374 LE, three members of the consortium ruling Saercumar, Catena Wamur̂ Badirum, were discovered, each independently engaging in some form of corrupt business or government practices, all within a week of each other. The noble houses whose business thrived in Saercumar banded together and created a municipal legislature, backed by a small army of mercenaries in their employ for the purpose. They ousted the remaining members of the consortium, taking control of the municipal government themselves. They petitioned the Catbalus of Calpi to endorse their legislature, which they called the Ucbea. The Catbalus, controlled as it was by the same noble houses, immediately assented to their request and the government of the settlement fell to rule by the aristocracy.

Prosperity Through Commerce

Founding Date
1374 LE
Ruling Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Market economy
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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