Wid Settlement in Kornax | World Anvil


Wid is the political and cultural center of the Maisign gnomish people.


The town is ruled by the Immu, who serves at the pleasure of an elected council of elders called the Juplamu. The Immu's primary responsibility is defense of the town, though they also oversee the general bureaucracy in the name of the Juplamu.


The Spribkwen is enclosed in a fifteen-foot thick, twenty-five-foot high wall that features stone hoardings at the top. Fifteen "sky ballistae" are arrayed on towers around this will, which are designed to fire upward at airborn threats. All surfaces are stone, which is also coated in clay, which is, in turn, enchanted to be resistant to fire. A single gate on the southern wall leads into the Spribkwen from the Meeboelfde.

The Meeboelfde is also encircled by the town wall, though it is less grand. The town wall is fifteen feet high and seven feet thick. There are fire-resistant stone shelters every fifty feet along the perimeter for defenders to dart into for cover, if needed. A single gate leads into the town, from the north.

Industry & Trade

The Maisign are adept craftsfolk. As such, their wares are prized by the Jal and Ebawecci of the Principality of Ritilia. A vibrant trade exists between Wid and the much larger settlement of Frottst in Ritilia.


The central portion of Wid, the oldest portion, is carefully laid out with wide (50 feet, in some cases) paved stone streets that join at right angles. Where the underlying bedrock is uneven (which is pretty much everywhere), the ground has been leveled to allow orderly building.

Beyond this ancient section of the town, streets are haphazard and often quite narrow (eight to ten feet, on average). Buildings overhang many streets, even adjoining other buildings on the other side, making passage through town feel as though one is proceeding through caverns and tunnels. The streets may be paved, or they may simply be exposed bedrock, often with a thin covering of soil.

Regardless of which part of town one is in, there are excellent, well-planned, subterranean sewers, which are well-maintained and kept clear and clean.


There are only two districts. The first is the ancient citadel founded build by Schals Eacht. It is known as the Spribkwen (literally, "gnome fort"). Everything outside the walls of the Spribkwen is called the Meeboelfde ("outer town").


Schals founded Wid to be a defensive strongpoint against attack by Aghaakheghamsë and her minions in 499 LE. In the nearly thousand years since its founding, that need has arisen three times: in 727 LE during the Red Resurgence, in 941 LE during the Mountain Flame War, and most recently, in 1364 LE, when the ancient wyrm sent probing raids north to assess the strength of the peoples there. This final incursion was not only resisted, but turned back, by the combined might of the Maisign and selected forces from the Principality of Ritilia, who were fulfilling the pledge of Vonuscidus Edopus to defend the Rënzhëksirn kobolds.

Founding Date
499 LE
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