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The Old Farmland. DuYoung is a Koroblin country that was once called DuYo before it collapsed. Once the country was rebuilt they changed the name to DuYong. It's collapse in the medieval era brought joy to the people under its strict ideals. but after hundreds of years of separation one of the kingdoms craved to have the power DuYo once had. The revaluation to bring all most 100 kingdoms together was a bloody one. By the Victorian era Duyong we know today was formed. Duyong has all ways found friendship in Tapyoka, as both countries are known for being prowerful and harsh.   Morden Duyong is known for being the home of Korobotics. Duyong is a techongly and money driven country. spending most of its time essering is owns history and culture to mold its people better to work and fight. Duyong offten takes over smaller countries and islands to take there rescores and then leave. Doing al these while keeping its "good face" controlling how other countries see it, at east the best it can. Duyong offten uses the U.S.A to have parts built for them.


DuYong prides it's self with its culture feeling like its more unique and stronger then the other cultures around it. The country loves to point out how driffren it's clothes and food are to the places around. And hardly talk about the similarities the counties have to it.   DuYong's Culture is heavyly focused on showing respect to your parents, as well as your boss or leader at work. Your boss is known as your "Outside parent" While your brith parents are your "House Parents". Becoming a Parent is one of the only ways to gain greater respect. The only higher socal position with out becoming a parent is becoming a temple worker or a scholar. Both are seen as a way to become a parent to others with out blood.

Public Agenda

Duyong wants to unite the East but only by destroying any culture that is not its own.


Duyong has put many other kingdoms and countries "Under it's wing" slowly taking over lands by sharing culture heavly and buying out leaders. But if those countries hold strong to their free Duyong will fight for the land they feel like they need.  Surprisingly Duyong gets along with Tapyoka, as they both understand the need and want for power. And sometimes work togrether.

Demography and Population

Duyong is known to lie about its Population, its also known for sending non koroblins who live in its lands to work camps or death. Duyong says its population looks like this.   99% koroblin    1% everyone else.

Foreign Relations

Eydan: Seen as a small drity old fashioned contry that never uses the natural recourses that it has. Duyong simple wants to take control of it, with out letting other countrys look down on it, for waring on a peaceful contry.   Usan: Another contry that is seen as wasting its land, land that Duyong could use better.   Taptoka: DuYong Sees Taptoka as a sister. Both having simalar goals, and try to help the other. Rather then become a foe.

Flag Vexillology

Duyong's flag has a Koi fish witch is there countries animal. The small gold orb is the world, showing that Duyong has the world in its eyeline.

"RooYoShaYo" We are the Ruler of the world.

Official Langue: Koroblin, Yonblin, Common.
Alternative Names
The Pearl of The World.
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Con: paper money that has beautiful art, witch changes each year making it very collatable.
Legislative Body
Duyong works more like a business then a country, with its stock holders being a part of a bored that help disside what to do next.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Friendly Allies


Could go to War


Could go to War



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