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Koroblins are the black blooded cousins of the human race. making them Incompetent to magic to the point where magic effects tend to harm them much easier then it would a human. but to there advantage they gain a 2nd form, many believe that its evolved from there Karahum Ancestry but instead of just a rage they supernaturally turn into a monstrous version of themselves sometimes even gaining spell like abilltiys they normally can not use. Unlike there human bothers Koroblin tend to have higher intelligence but lack in wisdom. Some koroblins tend to be seen as heartless because of this. its a common threed in history that koroblins try to overpower humans and keep them under them. as dangerous magic can be for a koroblin it takes years for a human who studies and tried to strengthen there magic to get any good. unlike koroblins who all ready have a upper hand with being born with black blood and the ability to have a 2nd form.      

Ability Score Racial Traits:

  +2 Int. +2 Constitution, -2 WIs   Size: Koroblins are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Base Speed: Koroblins have a base speed of 30 feet. Languages: Koroblins begin play speaking Koroblin or Common.  

Racial traits

      Second Form: Koroblins enter a second form when they are about to die from violence. When a Koroblin is reduced below 0 hit points, they do not fall unconscious. They instead enter a second form that is unique to themselves, changing in appearance and gaining some new abilities. A Koroblin can be in their second form for a number of rounds equal to 3 + Constitution modifier. Once entering their second form, a Koroblin gains a number of temporary hit points equal to half their maximum hit points. Being reduced below 0 hit points second form causes a Koroblin to actually fall unconscious, or die if dealt enough damage.   Go to the how to make a 2nd form page for more info.   Black blooded: being born of black blood your body is build to fight and survive   Magic Incompetence: All Koroblins are incapable of wielding magic of any sort, aside from spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities gained in their second form. They may not choose any class that gains spells or supernatural abilities. *classes like paladin,bard,ranger can be played though you’ll never get spell levels but you can have there class features.   Magic Scent: 30 feet by sense of magic sent, being able to spell magic, magical beginnings or magical items  

Alternate Racial traits:

  Blood driven: Your driven to be in your 2nd form as much as possible In order to get to your second form faster you sacrificed your AC. you take -10 to your ac but gain one extra round for your 2nd form.     Vemi(wolf-like) : Found mostly in northern cold places of the world. They have Head, Claws and tails of wolfs. Vemi who live side by side with humans tend to look more dog like. Vemi tend to be around 6-8 feet tall. these koroblins gain low light vision and a bite attack (1d6), and a claw attack (1d4) They also gain cold resistance 5.There more refined noses give them a more keen Magic Scent, being able to tell when the spell was casted, and being able smell what school of magic was casted (if any)    Dew(Feline like): Found in the inner sea region of Asia,These koroblins have Feline like faces, claws, and tails. and tend to be shorter then most koroblins. Being around 5-6 feet tall these koroblins gain low light vision and a claw attack (1d4) They also get +4 to climbing.   TeOi (Herbivore Faced): found in the middle east to north Eurasia. All tho these koroblins have the heads of Herbivores like deer, goats, or bulls. there mouths are filled with sharp teeth. They range 7-10 feet tall. they gain a a bite attack (1d6) lose +2 int but gain a +2 strength. These koroblins are known for being great hutters as they can blend in with Herbivore herds, and gain +3 survive when hunting   Roi (Human Like): Mainly from central and east Asia, There falt human like face make it easier for them to blend in. They tend to have small pointed ears, and small fangs. These Koroblins gain +5 to disguising as human.   Gan (Dragon): mainly found in south east Asia this koroblin subtype that seem human like other then there bright colorful skin, Horns that are composed of a bony core covered in skin, long scaled tails, and often a mix of skin and scales. These koroblins tend to be 6-8 feet tall. These koroblins gain +4 to swim checks they also again a Gore attack (1d6)   Boin (Reptile like): Living in Tropical and hot places. This koroblin Subtype are covered in scales, talon like hands, and spiked tails. They are around 7-10 feet tall . they gain a tail attack (1d4) and a claw attack (1d4) They also gain Heat resistance 5, +3 to climb and +3 to swim checks.     Southern Hemisphere Koroblin: This Alternate Race is limited to only current campaigns, and can be combined with the racial traits above. Koroblins in the Southern Hemisphere evolved to be able to coexist with the strong magic that fills the south. These Koroblins Have +2 Int +2 Wis, -2 Con. There minds are more keened to reseting magic, but there bodies have tooken a tool from being around magic so much. But with there Changed bodies and minds, they evolved to be able to cast Three spells, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, and Dispel Magic (at level 3). They can not learn to cast any other spells. Spells Casted by these koroblins Smell like Dust/Dirt. All tho a Southern Hemisphere Koroblin could not cast in the northern Hemisphere, as These korobins relay on the strong magical Veins in the south to be able to cast. They Do not produce magic in there own bodies so they rely on outside sources.

Basic Information


Koroblins Vary greatly when it comes to there anatomy even more so then dog breeds. some would even argue that calling all black blooded humanoids Koroblin's is a blanket term. Koroblins can range to looking much like humans but maybe with slight changes, like colorful skin, sharp teeth, longer ears, horns, Ect. To looking more animal like, some may just have animal like ears, where others have a full on head of a animal. no matter how they look they all ways have furless hands and feet. looking like normal human hands/feet. Its believed that the fact there blood is black adds to this genetic variety they have.   Overall Female Koroblins tend to have Stronger, and taller builds. Even having more muslice mass then the males.  A traditionally "masculine" Koroblin male have soft skin, light voices, and a gentle touch.   Humans often View Koroblin Genders being swapped, when its just the way they are.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gestation can varied Wildly 8-14 months depends on complexity   Once born they only need to be brest feed for only 2 months before they need a meat diet   Koroblin Genetics still are a mystery to even the brightest of scholars. Mutations are extremely common. These mutations are the most easy to see in someone's 2'nd Form. It's to the point that its quite rare to see people in the same family with the same 2'nd form Apreence, and more common to see strangers that happen to have similar looking 2nd Forms.

Dietary Needs and Habits

No matter what the outside looks like a healthy koroblin need a heavily carnivorous Diet. Bones, meat, blood. Every part of a prays body. Cannibalistic natures seem to be common. A heathy koroblin diet looks like this.  85% meat 7% bones 2% fruits/veggies All tho a koroblin could eat more plants then that, its seen as a waste. as there bodies dosent do much with it.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Koroblins live in matriarchy's

Average Intelligence

Above human, but emotional intelligence tend to be extremely low

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Smell exceed human capabilities, being able to tell who’s koroblin and who’s human just by scent. there extremely sensitive to the sent of magic that they disrbide as "orange" It's Said that some koroblins can even tell how good or evil you are by just smell.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sanguis
Average Height
5''- 10'' feet
Related Ethnicities
Related Technologies

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