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Eastern Koroblin

This is a be overview of many cultures only to give you a idea of a wider cultural landscape if you haven't chosen one country to be from

Naming Traditions

Family names

last names are extremely uncommon


Major language groups and dialects

There are many Languages in Eastern Koroblin Lands, but most tent to be bilingual, Learning the language of there land, And The more common Language that Human's just lable as "Koroblin"   Koroblin- A Language most common for anyone in the world, to pick up as there 2nd Language. In koroblin each letter is pronounced, and is know for being very easy to learn after you learn the letters. All tho there are words that sound and are spelt the same. For sample the word for Tea and party are the same. its all most context.    Yon- Seen as a the base language of all other Eastern koroblin languages.

Shared customary codes and values

Taking Care of the people who live around you, is very impornt. Fighting for what's right for your city. Working hard. Share with others.

Common Etiquette rules

shaking hands when meeting a new person is a must. the stronger the better. handshakes are viewed as a peaceful way to show one how strong you are and how good of a friend you can be. its also seen as extremely ill-mannered to eat alone, are sharing is a value.

Common Dress code

most Koroblins dont care about covering up, especially when fighting. getting hurt doesn't scare them, all tho in colder places or more regulish groups they do cover up a bit more.

Art & Architecture

plain walls are common. most art is cloth weaving, blood inking, and gardening

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Many towns Have there own festivals import to only the people in said town. there are rarely hoilidays that are pactisdied everywhere.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Its seen as unloving not to eat the body of your lost love one. eating them is seen as having them live on threw you, not even the bones are given a grave as they are eaten too. the only time they don't eat a body is if the person died from a sickness, the body is burned or dumped into the sea. when/if a ruler dies their body is left at mountain temples to let animals eat them.


Beauty Ideals

a beautiful woman is someone who looks like they can beat you up in a heartbeat. the ideal is power.    While a lovely man would be described as "He has a beautify so soft, that it could tame rage of anyone"  being small and meek is what most women look for in a male.

Gender Ideals

Overall Female Koroblins tend to have Stronger, and taller builds. Even having more muslice mass then the males.  women are looked up to be leaders, sense they have to be able to take care of there own kids, its thought that a good women should also be able to take change when the tide gets ruff. a great woman is one who can show tenderness to their family but is able to drive fear into their foes.   A traditionally "masculine" Koroblin male have soft skin, light voices, and a gentle touch. being  seen as the romantic half . softer, kinder side. to even out the rolls women have. all tho they are not known for fighting in combat they are seen as useful in war for spies and nurses. all tho some times their are men that show that they are strong enough for war and they let them fight.

Courtship Ideals

Most koroblins find love to be a silly unneeded thing between parents. arrange marriages are extremely common it takes out the waste of time love can be. having romantic affairs is extremely common and normal.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage is rare in koroblin culture. Men tend to come and go into women's lives. Even after romantic relationships end, if They had a child together  the dad and mom to stay in touch Those in Eastern Koroblin Culters being in a relationship with a human is looked down on.
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species
Languages spoken

Articles under Eastern Koroblin


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