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Endbur has been the only country who has been able to escape the hold of Tapyoka. It's proud to be on its own and dose not hide it. But the scars of war has truly ingrained into its land, and they still spend time fixing its wounds. Whether those Scars are Physical or not. Forest are barmen, Rivers dried up, and generational trauma flow threw the towns.   And yet even tho life isnt easy in Endbur, people do there best to stand tall. There country may be poor but its full of soul. A common saying in Endbur is "The rest of the word may never know you, but Endbur will always carry your name." Not many people from Endbur become well known, even fewer are able to afford to leave Endbur. But it's people are still proud and try to make there country a place that's better everyday.   Endbur wants to become a place people from all over the world wants to vist. From trying to make 5 star hotels, aument parks, and even winter sport restorets. It's starting become a hot spot to go too, but many people still belive that Endbur is dangerus and full of crime. It's a 50/50 if that is true or not.


Endbur has done its best to fight off the cultural influance that Tapyoka has left in their country. As well as trying to remove the culture of the people who lived here before them, The Necrin. But as time dose it is blurrly what was ogronaly Endbur's cultuer from what was Tapyoka and Necrin culture. Endbur spends a lot of time and money of artist to establish a pure Endbur culture. But yet mayn of those artist find insptrion from the arifacts of the Necrin people. Tho its fashion and food are strating to become Endbur's own thing.

Public Agenda

Endbur wants a bigger place in the world, even in the modern world Endbur is and is seen as a poor country riddled with crime and littler. They are spending on lot of time and money on be coming a tourist hot spot, leaving the poor, hungery, and sick behind. Some hot blooded groups in Endbur say that Endbur is becoming just as bad as Tapyoka when it comes to rights, and how well the goverment takes care of it's people.


Embur has a fair amount of farms and mines in there country.


Tapyoka took over much of East eurpoe, both human and Koroblin countries where forced into Tapyoka rule. The people in what is now Endbur where worked to the bone and more and more people became sick of the control Tapyoka. The Revotuion was long and bloody. Though recontroucting the country after the war took more effort then the war did.

Demography and Population

73% Koroblin    27% Half-Koroblin    Many Koroblins in Endbur have Wolf like traits.


Endbur has neutral feelings about religion but much of it's population Follow Hemblin.

Flag Vexillology

  Endbur's Flag depicts the story of there freedom. Black is the darkness and oppression they faced when they where a part of Tapyoka. The blue is the grief of those they lost in the war for there freedom. The yellow is the Glory and joy of being on there own and free.

"We Stand on our own!"

Official Langue: Enditen, and Tapyokan
Founding Date
April, 11, 1683
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Economic System
Market economy
Goer-Goer Mountains   Domodji Mountain
Burs: Triangle shaped clear coins, witch have different tints of colors for how much each coins cost.
Neighboring Nations
Related Species



Friendly Allies


Trade partners


Could go to War



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