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God: Cuerso

Godness Cuerso

Cuerso Is a by some is seen as evil, and by others seen as needed. few see them as a fully good god. Cuerso favors creatures with red blood, as koroblins and the such have ways to cheat death (2nd forms) Cuerso dispises that. Cuerso and there followers have a view that bodies are meant to die and decay, Because of that they have a hatetreed for The undead and Healing magic. Also sense Cuerso loves the body, Love and sexualy is big part of following Cuerso. you know, you got to know to make your body feel good.

Divine Domains

body, love, looks. Humans, movement, the act of dying and death, Magic, Hell.   Pathfinder Domains: Magic Domain, Charm Domain, Cooperation, Home, Death Domain, Destruction Domain, , Erosion Domain, inevitable, Magic Domain, Nobility Domain, Ruins, Rune Domain, Strength Domain, War Domain, Stars

Holy Books & Codes

"The fact of the body and death" is a more modern holy book of Cuerso, witch is a life guide to being a follower of her.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Gravestones/Tombstones, Eyes, and the night sky.

Tenets of Faith

  • Do not use healing magic to save your life or others life. 
  • Do not murder other followers of Cuerso.
  • Extending your life is morally wrong. 
  • Only kill demons if they are, 1. Acting outside of their demon type 2. Killing Cuerso followers. 
  • Having kids is your duty, it keeps the cycle of life going. 
  • Be prepared to do what Cuerso ask you 
  • Cremate your body so no one can raise you as a undead

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Keep the cylce going, people must die to let new ideas come.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gods look driffrent to each who sees them, but in general Cuerso is a nude Human woman who is missing her body below the rib cage. People tend to see her as a dying and bleeding out middle aged woman. 

Special abilities

she's much like a grim reaper of shorts. dealing with the dead and soon to be dead. She takes care of evil souls, she is in charged of choseing what happens to these souls. Wether the souls get dispersed or if the soul gets used to birth a Demon. Souls who followed Cuerso in life become a Repper of souls.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

once a woman human in Aykan, she rose to power and became a pristest. "Blessing" people with stregeth of will to live. She became known for preaching a few things, have kids, live a good life, and die a good death to keep the cylce going. All ways aming to be the next and best things. Her and her followers started to kill mass amounts of people of driffrent relgions to spreed her word. As more and more people started to follow her she started to gain godhood.


Contacts & Relations

Elder god: Cuerso hates the Elder god and finds her laws anyoying. It dosent help that it's clear that Elder dosent like Cuerso. 
  Hemblin: Enemies, these two do not get along and in fact hate each other. Hemblin being the god of life often interferes with Cuerso goals and wants. She believes the only good thing Hemblin dose is being the one who had started life in the first place. 

Sangre: Another pare who hates each other. Sangre used to be in charge of what happens to souls after death, before Cuerso took that job. These two are all ways stepping on each others toes. 
KoroKoro: These two are fine with each other. They often can get along when they share the same goal   Schain: he is the god of judgement of souls. These two get along fairly well.
Divine Classification
Long Black hair....with cold eyes popping out of it.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Blood leads to death, and we all have blood"
Ruled Locations


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