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Humans are born with Red magical blood becuse of that most humans can cast cantrips by the time they can talk. tho learning how to cast stronger spells is a much harder thing that not everyone can do. Casting magic is so impornat to Humankind that not leanring at least a handful of spells is seen as poor eduction in mojority of human cultures. Even if someone can only cast a hand ful of simple cantrips that better then not casting magic at all.   Humans who cant cast magic are see as disabled; As if they are missing a limb. Magic is often use in human daily life to do daily taskes. So those who are born laking the Magic glands that let red blooded creatures cast maigc; are often outcasted.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Humans have a wide rage of hair colors that they can naturally born with. These Hair colors are often (But not all ways) are they same color as there eyes.  Human hair is often multi colored and grown in patches, Much like calico cat patterns. Mainly having a main color witch is there dominate gene, and a sub color that is there recessive genes.      Humans have four magic glands with in there body, Tho being born with none or even more magic glands are not uncommon.  Being born with out Magic glands can bring a lot of problems, one being not being able to cast spells. Other problems are realted to not  being able to regulate mana with in there blood, each human reacts driffrently to the effects of too much mana in the blood. Thisngs it can lead to are Mood swings, Twitches, Seizures, and if left uncheck could lead to death. For much of human history there was not a known way of helping people with out magic galnds. With in history people tried to do blood leeding to take out the mana, Casting magic trying to remove the mana out of the afflicted's blood, or even trying to make medicine to fix it. With how driffrent each person is effected its quite hard to have a one size fit all cure.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are found through out the world.

Average Intelligence

Humans are the adverage rage of intelligence in their world.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Each Human culture has highly driffrent ways of naming kids.

Average Technological Level

Much of Human technological advances have been bulit apond the tech of other creatures. Building on it using magic to make it their own.

Common Dress Code

Unlike many species, Humans must dress for comfort. From keeping regulated temptures to keeping the body safe from outside things. Clothes are important to Humans, Across Human culture clothing says a lot about who they are.


Humans have a long history that is varied highly from culture to culture. What is known is that the first humans are from Nihiya.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humblin: Humans are the closest to Humblins, As they both come from the same evotionalery line. Most Humans and Humblins get along very well and hardly see a driffrent in eachother. Tho humans rased in places with out Humblins can feel more confused about there counter parts.   Koroblins: When rasied with out Koroblins Humans have a natural fear of Koroblins. As Black Blood give Humans a feeling of the uncanny valley. A natrual danger. But humans who are rasied with Koroblins can find fondness and love them. Human Koroblin romanic relationships are often frowned on in most culutres; But do happen often.   Half-Koroblins: When romanic relationships with Koroblins go far... Most humans have a even more uncanny feeling to Half-Koroblins. It dosent help that many Half-Koroblins are born with phyical defects that make them far less Human or Koroblin looking. But in places where Half-Koroblins are more common or even the norm, most people can overcome the feeling of the uncanny valley.


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