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A Kingdom that is locatied in the South west area of modernday garylist is.   The area is most known for strange Forestes, woods, plains and moutains that seem to be haunted by the past. Years of blood sheed from wars long ago have made nature it's self morn. Morning dew in these part taste salty like tears. And the fog seems to be unnaurally heavey and warm. People often share tales of ghost and monster's in the woods, waiting to unleash it's pain from the past.   The people of Parand are use to sicking togreather to be able to get threw hard times. but with this towns often have cliques that from. Making petty drama common, Romeo and julite situtions are common.  But just as much as petty drama is common so is people working togreather and trying there best to make what they see as just happen.


Parand is a farily sized kingdom with towns stactered around. Each town has a repsetive of the noble family who travels from their town to the king to get word of new laws or taxes and such. Often bringing back suplises from the head of the kingdom, such as pervesers and building suplises.

Public Agenda

Parand wants to grow and be steddy in the region.


They follow Cuerso

Mythology & Lore

The Old Quaren people belived that one night a priestist of Cuerso showed up on the coast in a small forgin ship. Just in the nick of time to help them agiest a Velkian raid. The Quaren people wanted to repay this mystery woman for her help, forever roping this area with a belife in Cuerso.


Inhareting the Temples of Cuerso followers of old Quaren, they use the same temple while using it a bit driffrently.   These Cuerso temples are monolithic Built in a enigmatic obsidian stone. Its boxy forms holding a profound gravitas that transcends its humble shape, as it stretches towards the sky. On Harsh sunny days the temple's dark stone gains a unearthly red sheen, as if the stone themselves bleed under the sun's gaze. While at night the Blood-Black stone  glistening as though freshly slicked with rain. The air of the temple has a disturbing scent of Tar and the Metallic tang of blood. Witch brings terror to some and peace to others.    The Walls of the temple have niches to hold funerary urns, reminders of mortality in the face of the eternal. in the middle of the room is a Fire pit, intended for the ceremonial incineration of the departed. It is a fiery gateway between the realms of the living and the dead, a last passage marked by flames. Behind the the fire is a sacrificial altar formed from the same obsidian that constructs the temple. once a depthless black, reflecting nothing, absorbing all. But countless sacrifices have painted it a perpetual, gruesome red, a vivid testament to the blood spilled upon its unforgiving surface. Etched upon the altar in the language of Quaren are the words: "Blood leads to death, and we all have blood." Resting atop the altar, lies a formidable blade. This instrument of finality is inscribed with the sentiment: "Death continued the Cycle".    In Old Quaren This alter would be used to sacrifice people from all walks of life, to please Cuerso in hopes of giving the rest of the town a better a longer life. But currently in Parand only the Sickly and those on their death bed are used for sacrifice, Occasionally Those who comminted great sins like ending the life of another  Cureso follower, or healing someone who was about to die (no matter the cercomtances) would be Sacrificed in hopes of them gettign Cuerso's wrath sooner in the after life.

"Strong togreather, Strong as one"

Founding Date
4 .C.E
Successor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
The king writes the laws.
Executive Body
Everyday people are in charge of enforcing the law, as there is not graude other then for the noble families.
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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