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God: Schain The True Judge

The True Judge Schain Vilegrave

The True Judge is not a god to mess with. Many Follow Him out fear, others follow him out of love for law, others follow him just for the hopes of a good after life. When people find out you follow Schain they might believe your a stick in the mud, or following him to make sure you don't get Schain's Judgement.   Tales are told that The True Judge was born of Noble blood, his blood line follows Hemmblin's. they said that once, maybe in a different timeline, or all timelines, a young boy was born named schain. he saw the world and he Judged it threw his eyes and even in his youth he wanted to fix what he was seen. He's known for having a Deep Animal like hunger, both for fleesh and power. Waiting to make the world a better place, in the way he see's fit. The other gods try to stop this from happening as they think Schain can take more then he should have.    In timelines where he was not born, the 'mystorious god' who is able to spilt and make timelines; has froced schain into being a god. Beliving that a god who can enforce true judement on souls as better then the old sytem before hand. Unlike in the old times where the other gods could freely use a soul as the please. Schain is used as a origazioner of souls by them, being the one who choses what souls go where and what souls get taken out of the system.

Divine Domains

Bloodlines, Good and Evil, Judging, extreme opinion, Hunger, Lawful, revage.    Pathfinder Domains: Community Domain, Undead, Fear, Glory Domain, Good Domain, Law Domain, Liberation Domain, Nobility Domain, Protection Domain, Rage, Torture.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

a circle of teeth mostly a broach that people show pridefully.


Howling- On howling night graves,photos, and memento mori of sinners glow a bright red and their screams can be heard for the minutes that the moon is at its highest. kids find this as a good day to run a muk at night.    Momentous-Fest - much like our thanksgiving in witch you eat a big meal with all your family.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He Grew up in the Nuclear timeline as a mortal boy. born with a never ending hunger that he couldn't stop. he quickly found out about the lies he's family have feed him his whole life, found the truth... saw the wrong. and fixed the injustice he saw. as time went on he tried to fix more and more things. and lead him right to one of the gods Schain told the god the wrongs he saw if the world and how none of the gods seems to be doing ANYTHING. and he was able to get his spot at the top.  becomming the True Judge. before their wasnt really a afterlife death treated everyone the same. schain wasnt all right with people dying and having the same "afterlife" as the sinful teribal people.
Divine Classification
dark and cold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
warm white
Ruled Locations


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