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This is a be overview of many cultures only to give you a idea of a wider cultural landscape if you haven't chosen one country to be from
  Vilegraven/Hemblick refer to both a family line and to ethnicities that crosses borders. Tho it's not all ways used interchangeably most people do use them interchangeably. Not all Hemblick people are Vilegraven. Hemblick refer to a European religious ethnicity who follow Hemblin as there main (or only god) While Vilegraven is specifically used for people from VerNay or those with a Vilegrave in there family tree. But sense that family tree is more like a family forest the two terms are often used together.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Shane, Shalla, Grathrella, Sintha, Sinsong, Belltha, Sue-Shana, Mara, Mera, Thina, Deathin, Suedin,

Masculine names

Schain, Malcolm, Grace, Gale, Rinton, Barthelme, Cerise, Yaphet, Rowgin, Luvern, Dollen,

Unisex names

Regardless of gender Classical Vilegraven/Hemblick names tend to be long, but other the years names that fit more into the courtly they are in, are more favorable.

Family names

Vilegraven/Hemblick come from Values that Families hold. Many last names come from virtues or jobs that the family had pride in.    Common last names: vensit Ashton Grave Doctur Vile GoodGrave Shroomler Kelpter Phins Cobbler Tomes Books Banks Gravesmith Stonesmith Masion Yards

Other names

Many common names are common words as a big group of Vilegraven/Hemblick enjoy the tradstion of naming the child the word that a family member said as they where being born.  But just as many Vilegraven/Hemblick people change there name as they get older, to fit themselves better.


Major language groups and dialects

Necrol is a language all Vilegraven/Hemblick people are expected to learn, with common or there natives toungh being the next important language to learn.

Shared customary codes and values

customs, those who marry into the culture often find it overwhelming how much there is to know. Manors and showing respect is seen as a true virtue. Even living it's self is a virtue on its own. To a outsider the customs and rules in Vilegraven/Hemblick culture seems suffocating, but those in it know when and how to 'break' the rules. It helps that people often care more about respecting you then you fitting in the rules. Customs can be such as all ways bring a gift (no matter how small) when visiting someone's home. Phrasing your words just right is very important, like never saying 'Good Bye' unless you really truly mean you'll never been seen by the other person again. Or saying "Until tomorrow" rather then Good night. somethingsomething   Above everything the biggest shared values are the ones about Necromancy and the importance of life. Necromancy is to be used to keep the living safe, keep the memory of someone alive, and for other religious values. Necromancy is seen as fully holy and not to used for evil. Vilegraven/Hemblick countries often do not have any living foot solders, but rather skilled Necromancers who control the undead. So none of the living need to die in war. With murder is one of the biggest sins in Vilegraven/Hemblick culture. Vilegraven/Hemblick armies focus on self defense rather then hurting the other army. its seen as a last resort to send the living to war.   taking care of your neighbors is see as a social duty. Many countries that are Vilegraven/Hemblick have high standers of living, many outsiders believe that Vilegraven/Hemblick people are all rich and powerful. while on the outside it can look like that, that perception comes form that that in Vilegraven/Hemblick countries there's so much social help, that poor and rich look very different then in other places.   Vilegraven/Hemblick people are known best for there views of the Undead/Necromancy. The way they cast Necromancy differ then the classic mindless undead. If the person died with in the last 25 years bringing them back as a undead keeps there personhood. Undead keep there personalities and memories, tho unable to speak Undead naturally are able to speak in Sign Language. tho this isnt the same more rasing someone into a undead if they died more then 25 years ago. the longer ago they died the less and less they are like what they where when alive. People who died 100 years or more become mindless undead. People can write a will where they can say if they want to be brought back as a undead or not. Many who want to be brought up as a undead do so to things like, conutioning working to give money to there family, finish there bucket list, Ect, Ect.   Views on resurrection is a whole another wheel house. Resurrection spells are known to be expiviesve, its hard to bring a person back and have there soul fully come back too. So most common people never even see resurrection as a option. But there are some cases where getting a resurrection casted is much more cheaper to cast, and in some cases free. Accidental deaths are seen as something that is much more worth a resurrection. Many churches will preform resurrections for much cheaper, and a certain family are known for casting mass resurrections during mass death events.

Common Dress code

Most Vilegraven/Hemblick dress covering them selfs from neck to toe. its seen as a "sin" to show skin. not because its "sexy" but because the more skin you show the more of a chance you have of getting hurt. And carelessly wasting blood is a sin. wearing transparent fabrics that show off your body is still seen as modest as long as your skin isn't exposed to air. Less religious Vilegraven/Hemblick people do no care about this 'Dress code', but this is still seen as a sign of rebellion. People's closets tend to be filled less clothing but the clothes one dose have tend to be expensive, or hand made with a high level of skill. People take care of there clothing as much as they take care of there body, often being able to be passed down. If a clothing peace is too small or too big, one would change it to make it fit rather then throwing it out. It's also common to resew clothing to fit more modern styles. while Having many clothes can often be seen as vain, and uncaring.

Art & Architecture

Reds, Grays, Marrons, and blacks are commonly used in art and architecture. In architecture wooden houses with tons oh detailed cravings and super common. 2nd most used thing in buildings is stone. They love putting details in there buildings to tell stories of the people who lived or live there. Cities are so detailed and lovelying made that viewers often lose track of time looking at all the cravings. The oldest Vilegraven/Hemblick cities are covered in art in every corner. being a artist is a honor. There art tends to be in dull colors with themes of plants and nature being the most common. They rarely painting or show dead bodies in there art works. tho bones and undead are much more common, but a dead person is much more rare.

Foods & Cuisine

Many Hemblick food is manly plant based with a small amount of meat, tho koroblins and half-koroblins of this group add more meat to their dishes.  Their stable food are called "Beni" The group of domesticated Dandelion plants. Witch have three main types Benrell, Benriv, and Jefben. All most every dish uses one of these plants in one way.  Another staple in Hemblick food is dried meats and cooking techtneaks to rehydrate said foods. Soups and stews are very common.     caramelized Benrell Buns- a caramelized churchy outside shell with a gummy marshmallow-like doughy inside

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Vilegraven/Hemblick people are known for having parties, Big festivals, and grand holidays. Having dinner parties where friends and family come to keep up with each other is something people like to do as often as they can.     GrandMas- in the warmer month the church leader decides when is the best to celebrate GrandMas, its a 1-3 night festival where everyone in a church will do something for the other members, like doing a magic show, selling food, cleaning up ect. Carnivals are very common durring grandmas and seen as the main event, many church hold meetings and lessons during this time.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Birth The birth of a child has always been seen as a important life event, for the kid and the mother. As birth can sometimes end in a death or two . to insure that all will go fine, vilegraves all ways go to doctors to handle this kind of event. in the other room/place the family, close friends of the mother, as well as Priest. wait for the child to be born they eat, talk, play games as they wait. The Priest is their not talk or take part in the family's festivities but to keep track on each word said at the party.  as the word said at the same time as the baby was born will become their name.  Some families are a lot more careful about what they say or do during one of these parties. if the family is not happy with the name and want to change it, they have the chose to change how the world is spelled. translate it into another langue or combining the last word said with the word said before it.    this naming process is exreamly impornt to their tradition, as it shows that you understands life's uncertainties.

Coming of Age Rites

Age 5: At Age five human kids are tested to see if they can cast magic, every human has the ability to learn magic but some are born with more magic then others. if they can cast magic then they given more and more magic lesions as time goes on.   Age 10: At ten a children is now allowed to go to church and chose for them self if they want to keep going, no one is forced to go to church or even stay in that fate.   Age 15: This is the most important age to become. its seen as one someone can truly make there own choses and is fully there own person. in many Vilegraven/Hemblick countries 15 is the age where you can start to Vote and learn to drive. The more religious folk take this birthday a step farer as its seen as the age where someone can start fully training to be a cleric, bishop or paladin.   Age 20: This is when you are fully viewed as full adult! Many have a grand party when they turn 20, often doing one last childhood hurrah, in witch you will do something grandly childish, like a prank, a silly stunt, or even make a art peace that only a sill kid would make. what ever you do that day, its seen as a good day to start a new chapter.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Death is not when a funereal starts... as raising the dead is the a keystone in Hemblick cultures. Every few years your are asked by your family/church to write if you want to be raised as a undead or not. and if you do want to be raised your expected to write what you want to do when your raised. As in Koroblin world the Undead have there soul still in them. (if there raised with in the year of there death, after that its much more unlikly that there soul will combined to there body ) Making them still have personhood. people who get raised from the dead often ask to for reasons like, "If i die a untimely dead i want to spend more time with my family" or " i want to be able to protect my community so no one has to die to protect themselves" even things like "I want to be able to finished my research are reasons why people comeback. A undead person may stay around for as much time as 20+ years or as little as a week. its all about if they want too. Being undead isnt the same as being alive, but it's still not too far from life. Tho they lose there voice Undead naturally learn sign langue, they even keep there memories of there life. But the biggest thing they lose is being able to cast magic. But over all  people respect the undead.   But once the undead are ready to be burred for good that's when the Funeral starts.   Vilegraves wear clothes to show that they are in mourning for months at a time. theses morning clothes are heavy and remade every few years as one is also buried in their mourning clothes when the time comes. mourning clothes tend to be the most expense clothes someone own.   Big Funerals are extremely uncommon as it's seen as something the family and closest friends should see by themselves. Funerals start by the family taking all their the dead one's belongings and talking about memories they have about the dead one and these things. Music liked by the dead one is played, no matter that kind. family and fiends cry and talk till everyone has said something. The Food severed are also the dead one's favorites. in order to remember them. next the family comes together and each put a carving on a tombstone, somthing as small as just a line is enough but some people crave out full on art works. It’s custom to after a funeral the body will be taken back to the mortician who will prepare the skull for the family to keep. It’s common for families to pass down dead relatives skulls down. They are kept as super prized memento mori. Often when someone is really affected by someone's death they will wear a memento mori made from a piece of bone from their lost one, coated in a red Glass, normally pinned on a jacket or strung on a necklace.

Common Taboos

Bleeding and blood is a unsavverly topic in general. Blood is seen as a holy item, so bleeding is seen as wasting vaule. Beacuse of this people who menstruate keep quite about it. Talking about it openlying is seen as distrusting.


Beauty Ideals

The tradition Beauty ideal for all genders is long hair, well dressed, and overall proper. talents. someone could have a poor face, but if there skilled they can still get anyone they want.

Gender Ideals

Gender is extremely complicated in Vilegraven/Hemblick cultures. With its traditional ideals all most becoming wiped away by other cultures, the few Vilegraven/Hemblick cultures that still kept there traditional gender values are seen as barbaric and unlearned. To the point where The Vilegrave family them selves stopped keeping traditional gender ideals and conformed to the rest of the world.  

Traditional Gender Ideals

The Traditional gender system was based on 4 genders. Called Mountain, Land, Sea, And Sky. Very different then man and women, These genders also don't correlate to Sex in any way other then some Sexes are found more often in some gender then others. As well as the fact that old Necril didnt have any words for pronouns these strange names for genders where seen a strange. In this gender system Children would be raised with out a gender until about 10 years old. Where they would then chose one of the 4 genders to be in.
  1. Mountain: We would call this gender masculine with undertones of feminine. Seen as the type to hold there ground, but can do with it with grace, and very emotionally driven. This gender are known to have jobs like teaching, church leadership, or crafter jobs.
  2. Land: Seen as the most "Masculine" Land gender is the type to take care of people reliably, Being rough when they need to be but all ways the stable fountain a culture needs. There known for having such jobs like Farmer, Hunter, general laborer, and other more active jobs.
  3. Sea: The "feminine" Gender. Seen as the source of life, Someone that everyone needs to rely on in order to keep things running well, And seen as the ones who will protect there love ones no matter the cost. They tend to be in positions of power, Leader of the household, and matters of trading.
  4. Sky: We would call this gender Feminine with undertones of masculine. Seen as hard to understand by those outside of there gender, loud both vibrant, and very smart. They often become Mages of all kinds, doing the best with most kinds of magic. Rarely would you see someone of the sky doing something that is far away from magic.

Modern Gender Ideals

With the influence of other clutters Vilegraven/Hemblick Gender became a two gender system based of biological sex, like many other clutters. Tho sometimes non-binary genders are still accepted. All tho these gender ideals still differ from similar views. Nether gender is seen as more violent, or better leaders, nor is one gender viewed as head of the household more then the other.
  • Men: Masculine people are seen as 'more stable', people who others dont need to worry about as 'they just dont need it' or 'they'll level out'. Seen as the ones who are more in control of there actions then women are. Generally seen as the type who can do hard work with out complaining, and the ones who are more willing to take higher risks.
  • Women: Feminine people are the ones seen as more calculating then men. The ones expected to be thoughtful, loving and understanding. They often are seen as the ones who make great party host, and overall more willing to have fun. Even often seen as the more virtuosos gender. All tho because of a cermet family many Women feel as if they have to greatly out preform a man to get any recognition.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship and love has changed al lot over the years with in Vilegraven/Hemblick  culture. but one thing that all ways was clear and in stone, is that if you give someone your word that there your one and only.... you should never break that word. Dating is seen as very serious, more serious then what your job is, is who your dating. Giving your heart to someone for even one date is seen as a big deal. So dates are mostly a private matter. Going over to your date's house for dinner is more common then eating out for a date. Dating is seen as such a big deal that unless you ask  your friends or family wont give there option of who your dating. As your the one who knows what your heart wants. But, if a family member or a friend says that who dating is not the best, with out you asking, its a sign that there seeing red flags that your not.

Relationship Ideals

Romantic relationships are seen to be a highlight of life, as being in one opens up your life to a lot more. Most people don't move out until there married, so finding the one also means more personal freedoms. All tho being seen as a good pair by others can lead to a lot of stress that not everyone can handle. Forever being a bachelor or bachelorette is not uncommon but seen as a stain on your reputation. Some people get married just to keep safe, while behind closed doors the pair are seeing others.  A good relationship is one where both people are better together and making a good team. If its clear that one or both of the people in the pair are not happy in the relationship, others are more then happy to point it out. Breaking up is seen as both happy and sad, it's sad if its a breakup because someone cheated, but happy if both parties healthy parted ways.


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