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Hevlin is a Hemblick church, witch follows the Trio of Gods, Hemblin, Sangre and Schain. They focus on Life, Blood, Magic, And death. Mixing The three Gods Values Hevlin teachings are ones of Protection of others, Freedom to truly be yourself, and Connection of your community. Members of the Hevlin church often have cities or townships away from others, to be able to have more control of how there towns are run. But they are all ways willing to help others wearther or not they are a part of the Hevlin church.   Members of the Hevlin are often looked down by other groups, seen as too radical, too strange, and fighting for hopeless cause. Many countries write laws the superficially lessen religious freedom for Hevlin people. As many members aren't afraid to protests the government, offer free services that governments normally make money off, or at times taking matters to there own hands for the skate of justice.   traditionscultures. Memento Mori's are extremely common, as they protect life and regrade it as important reminders of death are important to them.

Tenets of Faith

  • I am the Sum of all I have done.
  • I will keep my skin covered, may my blood never spill on the ground.
  • Save Judgment for the Gods, My fellow people shall not be Judged by I.
  • I will protect people by the best of my abilities.
  • I will Never Harm another person, not with my words or actions.  


There are not many sins in the eyes of the Hevlin church But rape, Murder is all ways a sin. Murder only has one exaptation for the majority of members and that's in self defense (please note that accidental death and  abortion is not seen as murder) And even in those cases if excessive blood loss happen it still looked down apond. Now the group of people in the church who have a exaptation for murder is Paladin's  of Scahin, whom speed years training to do Schain's will.    Modesty is a important virtue for all genders in the Hevlin church. Not because lust is much of a concerned for them, but because trying to avoid any injury to there skin that might make them bleed.In Hevlin modesty as long as the majority of your skin is covered your okay, unless your doing somthing dangerous and are not wearing the appropriate gear.


Each Hevlin church have three heads of the congregation, One bishop for each God. Those bishop May or may not have clerics or priest who help them with there tasks depending on the size of the congregation. Those who are born Oracles are highly regarded in Hevlin communities and often get encouragement to get training to be able to join the Priesthood.


There are some sects of Hevlin that focus on one god more then the other.
Religious, Organised Religion
Related Ethnicities


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