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Kanada is a quite country, the people who lived in these lands for 1,000's of years where not intressted in the same kind of hussel and bussle of its neighboring countries. Its vast forest and woods are left untouched but not unused, those who visit can feel the love the people have for the envoerment. Kanada is known for its icy snowy lands, and deep forests. Adding a layer of myster to Kanada to outsiders. Many people travel to kanada to exprince the the wildes and beauty of the country.   There are many driffrent tribes, clans, and people who live in kanada. In the northen cost Buboolio tribes are the most common, while central Kanada is humblin heavy, while the south is more human centeric. But this dose not mean that tribes of all types of spices cant be found. infact you can find all shorts of spceacies living all around kanada.


Kanada has many cultures with in its borders as Kanada is many tribes and groups who came togreather under one rule while having their own rights to their own people's belivfes.  But in more urben cities in Kanada have a more united culuter, where each person can stil celebrate the culture that they are from while still feeling like they can get along with there peers.    Over all in Kanada they do have foods in common tho driffrent groups of people cook them in driffrent ways, Beans, Elk, Berries, fish  also  tree saps and nuts. Are some of the most common foods items around kanada.

Public Agenda

Kanada wants to uplife vocies of Native people who live all across the world who've overs are over looked or erassed by the goverments that own the land they live on. Many people in Kanada become scolaers or lawers to be able to able to help Native people around the world.  becuse of this some more prolamantic counries aroudn the world have really harsh feelings of Kanada, and if it didnt make them look like huge assholes would want to do somthing about these feelings.


When the U.S.A started to form a union in the south, countries of the north started to worry that it would be forced into its union. So the tribes, clans, and peoples of Kanada came togreather under one polilical crown to ensure that in the future the U.S.A woudnt force them to comform to it's ways.

Foreign Relations

Being next to the United Species Of America  the two countries are compraied a lot. Even tho they work very driffrently and both belive that the world are handdling there country the worng way. Kanada wants to make it clear to other countries around the world that they are Very driffrent from the U.S.A

"The peaceful woods, don't fall"

Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Market economy
Bills: A paper money that is shaped like a ducks bill, that on one side has a drawing of that bill while the other side has a drawing of the ruler of Kanada and a number showing how much it's worth.
Related Species


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