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Most commonly a Small raccoon like humanoid's with paw like hands and long tails. in there blood runs strong magic, its a 2nd nature to them. to the point they can taste magic (they say it taste like a sweet sugary creamy orange) they dont dare cooking with out using at least a little magic. generally becuse of there magical nature humblins are happy But some humblins are more contented to the dark-side of magic and have a gloom around them   society- They live in big city groups, lead by a king and queen. the elders in the city are called grandma and grandpa repetitively, they are expected to learn magic to help the city. female and male Humblin are treated the same, there isn't much difference with how the two genders act.  

Ability Score Racial Traits:

  +2 Dex +2 Charisma. -2 con   20 foot walk speed   can cast magic   Low-light vision      

Racial traits

  Tiny- +2 size bonus to their AC, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls, a -2 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +8 size bonus on Stealth checks   Prehensile Tail- flexible tails that they can use to carry objects. They cannot wield weapons with their tails, but the tails do allow them to retrieve small objects stowed on their persons as a swift action.   Crater- born to craft and make things, anything from cooking to sewing. +2 to all craft checks   magician- having a much closer relationship to the magic in there blood Humblins who are casters gain one bonus level lower then they can cast spell slot each level   Climbers- having a tail makes climbing a lot easier +2 to climb  

Alternate Racial traits

  Primitive Magic- Replaces Magician Because Humblins are so connected magic that more Primitive magic leaks threw each of there spells. Each time you cast a spell a random effect is rolled, if casting on a ally a random possessive effect happens,if casted on a Foe a random negative effect happened. if the spell is a area of effect a random effect happens to all in the area (effects happen as addition to the spell you cast spell still works the same)     Coati- Built to Climb Jungle Trees, Coati Humblins gain a 25 foot climb speed. Coati Reduce hardest of wood by 2, As they have strong claws for breaking bark and wood. Replaces, climber Removes Lowlight vision.   Beaver- Eating Wood, Building homes, and swimming so fun! Beaver humblins gain Swim speed of 30 feet, +4 Woodcafrting and architecture, As well as the ability to eat wood Reduce hardest of wood by 3 . Replaces, Climber, Crafter, and Prehensile Tail. Loses +2 Charisma But gain +2 Intelligence.   Kinkajou- kinkajou are nocturnal and fruit eating, having a natural protection from bug sings. they are even able to turn there feet in the opposite direction and run and climb forntwords and backwards. gain, Dark vision, a 25 foot climb speed, Gains +3 to poision related fort saves Replaces, climber, Crafter Removes Lowlight vision. Loses -2 Con mod.   wolverine- The most unlike other humblins type of humblin. Living in norther cold lands They are built more to fight then cast magic. Gain +2 strength +2 Con -2 Charisma, sent of 20 feet, Poison immunity, and a bite attack (1d4+2) Replaces Prehensile Tail, Crafter magician Removes +2 Dex +2 Charisma. -2 con   Otter- The Otter Humblin is a Strong swimmer, and one of the most playful and cheerfully of all humblin kind. Gain 30 swim speed, Can stay underwater for 10 extra rounds, +2 to Save DC of charm spells they cast. Replaces Climber, and Prehensile Tail

Basic Information


“Male And Female” humblins look the same. They do not have sex characteristic. Most Humblins say there is only one Humblin Gender/Sex of ‘Magic Gender’   Humblins use magic to have kids, none of that messy Biology mating.   There are many different kinds of humblins, Raccoon, coati, Beaver, Kinkajou, wolverine, and Otter. The most common type of humblin is Raccoon like.


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