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North American

With the amount of countries in North american their is not one culture nor one ethnicity, This page is more of a wide brush stroke of what people are like in this area.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Sammy,Sofi, Marci,Moochie,Dana, Table, Thins, inka,Kimo

Masculine names

Westin, Finance, Eger,Charstar,Chair,Rainer

Unisex names


Family names



Major language groups and dialects

Spanish, English, common

Shared customary codes and values

Independence is there more highly wanted things, people should be able to live on there own and be there own person. Equality is there 2nd most cared for value, its the founding of there country after all. Efficiency is everything. Less work more money = big dreams

Common Dress code

“In your face, all about me” is the American way. Being your self and showing off is the way. Dressing the way that expresses your self and is the most unique.

Art & Architecture

Strong colors, loud music, blood pumping dances. When it comes to the arts punk culture is what’s loved, what ever seems driffent from what the rest of the world loves, is what people love to make.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Horse Day- July 4 people have big BBQ's, games, and the biggest tradition is to feed a treat to a horse. as horse day is when you celebrate all horses birthday on the same day. more modern cities hold horse parades where at the end people can feed the horses

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Birthdays are celebrated heavily. Loud music lots of food and games is what’s needed. Most people aren’t baptized as most are out of a religion.

Coming of Age Rites

16 is when most people learn how to drive and is seem as there first time as adults.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerals are quite, for most families they let there loved once’s go in quite. Funerals tent to happen at night lit only by candles.

Common Myths and Legends

Space is somthing that has all ways put wonder in people’s eyes. Tales of ufo’s fill there dreams.


Beauty Ideals

what is seem beauty is all up to each person's like. its every hard to find someone everyone likes. but over all being "heathy" looking is impornet

Gender Ideals

Independence is there most important ideal for everyone. but when it comes to male and females. its expected for woman to take care of there kids and make sure all is well. normal jobs for women are care givers, chefs, and leaders. men are expted to find there own path, work hard, and push bondreies. and if a man would farther a child it is deemed there duty to stay by and take care of them. normal jobs for men are creativity endovers, Cops, inventers, and teachers.

Courtship Ideals

The American dream, your girl to your right, and a milk shake to your left. Big dates are ideal it’s the dream. Even after marriage big dates are the dream.

Relationship Ideals

before even thinking of getting married its expected that both parters are Independent adn can still live on there own.


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