Sanguis Cutem Ignis "Blood Mold"
Also Commonly known as "Blood mold"
Transmission & Vectors
Bile Flies that lay eggs in dead bodies can give you the sickness, as well as touching blood or skin of someone who's sick.
Bile files lay eggs in the host that are all ready rotting in your skin.
week one: black spots start showing up on only one part of the body.
week two: mold begins to grow on the skin
week three: mushrooms start to grow where the mold is.
week four: the fungal sickness starts growing under your skin in the veins most don't live past this.
week five: any one still alive at this point starts looking undead. most of there body being used to feed the fungus. they can barely move at this point.
week six: calling them alive is a joke at this point, as the body is hardly there, taken by fungus now even there bones are being used to feed the mushrooms and mold.
the sickness of The Blood Pelg in 450-540
as time goes on this sickness is now all most never heard of.